Prebuilt image availible at Docker Hub
An example of a vulnerable Tomcat application + server.
War files built from /spring-war folder. (It is recommended to build your own war files but i have provided one based on
Building the docker version of the vunurable application, you can build your own war files.
You can use the provided spring-form.war or build your own
- Java
- Java JDK (I have only tested with JDK 18)
- Maven
cd spring-war
mvn clean package
cd target
mv spring-form.war ../../ # Linux move the war file to vunerable-tomcat
move spring-form.war ../../ # Windows
cd ../../
docker build -t vulnerable-tomcat .
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8080 vulnerable-tomcat
Wait about 20 seconds for the server to start. Then run the exploit script.
python3 --url http://<dockerip>:8888/spring-form/greeting
#or docker variant
docker pull
docker run --url http://<dockerip>:8888/spring-form/greeting
If all goes well you should see something simular to this!
Found intresting poc here : [^1]. & - Docker, POC
- clone sample repo from
- you can skip right to the gs-handling-form-submission/complete directory, no need to follow the tutorial
- modify it so that you can build a war file ( build war file :)
- install tomcat9 + java 11 (i did it on ubuntu 20.04 via apt-get)
- deploy the war file
- update the PoC ( to write the tomcatwar.jsp file to webapps/handling-form-submission instead of webapps/ROOT
- run PoC (ignore the URL it gives you for the webshell): python3 --url
- you should see the "tomcatwar.jsp" file now in webapps/handling-form-submission
- hit to see the results