This is used to generate images (png) for visible light curing resins. Especially for the ones that use an LCD/LED screen for curing the resin.
- bash
- OpenSCAD version 2015.03-1 (might work on older version, but only tested on my computer)
No installation required. Here are the steps required to get the sequence of images:
- Clone the repo
- Copy the stl file to the directory
- Edit and change the filename to your stl
- Change thickness value in openDLP.scad
- Change the layercount and min/max values to fit the stl
- run
The images are created in a directory the same name as the stl file.
- Make file name parametric
- Create folder in the generate file
- Accept command line file name argument
- Condense into one script, instead of two (python?)
- Accept command line thickness value
- Compute z bounds automatically