All For One Bot is an open source solution for your discord server management and entertainment. My goal is to cover as many functionalities and niches as possible, while still maintaining usability and code readability. Currently the bot can stream music from YouTube, SoundCloud and Spotify.
The bot is currently on a rewrite to migrate to discord.js v13 from v12. Latest releases will be pushed into the v13 branch until a stable release!.
For self hosting clone this repository
git clone
⚠ Never share your tokens or api keys publicly
Modify config.json
and fill out the values:
"PREFIX": "/",
"STAY_TIME": 300,
"primaryColor": "#17d6d5",
"errorColor": "#EF522F",
"musicChannelOne": text-channel-id,
"musicChannelTwo": null,
"welcomeChannel": "text-channel-name",
"goodbyeChannel": "text-channel-name",
"auditLogChannel": "text-channel-name",
"guildId": server-id,
"memesChannelId": text-channel-id,
"memberCountChannelName": "text-channel-name",
"musicChannelErrorResponse": "⛔ Music commands are only available in **add-music** channel"
For API Tokens fill out the values in .env
If you have any difficulties obtaining API tokens please refer 📄 wiki
For Heroku hosting use the config vars feature.
This project is currently under development and if you are planing to implement right now you might have to make minor adjustments to the code. In the future im planing to make intergration seamless and provide detailed documentation. If You run into any issues please feel free to let me know in the discussion or create a new issue.
All For One Bot is still on alpha stage contribution would be appreciated ❤️.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
A special thanks to eritislami/evobot for the music system/technology and SharkSmile for the amazing logo and inspiration.