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File server built with node, express in typescript.

2. Configuration

2.1 Environment Variables

Create file named under folder env in the root directory with the following content.


2.2 Start Server

Run script.

npm run dev

A configuration file named env.config.ts will be created in .src/config and server will be listening to the given port.

2.3 More environments

    1. Create environment file for other scenarios in env folder, eg, stage, prod, etc.
    1. Add one new command in package.json with change the NODE_ENV value, eg.
"stage": "NODE_ENV=stage npm run start-config && nodemon ./src/server.ts --ignore ./uploads",

3. Deployment

3.1 Prepare Frontend

Go to project file-server-angular, build Angular application for production.

npm run prod

3.2 Prepare Backend

Go to project file-server-node, build node server for production.

npm run prod

3.3 Start server

Then, copy all frontend files in file-server-angular/dist to file-server-node/dist/wwww.

Copy all backend and frontend files to server.

cd 'file-server-node'
node './dist/src/server.js'


4. Troubleshooting

4.1 Stop Express Server

Find the server process by searching 'node'.

ps aux | grep node
Johnny    3761  0.0  3.2 899840 58356 ?        Ssl  07:32   0:03 node ./dist/src/server.js

Kill it with PID.

kill -9 3761

5. Docker

Build for production. All the compiled html files and js files will be generated in dist.

npm run build

Create image with node.js.

docker build -t jojozhuang/file-server-node .

Create container.

docker run --name file-server -p 12020:80 -v=/var/services/video:/app/root -v=/var/services/web/fullstack-sites/file-server/www:/app/web -d jojozhuang/file-server-node

Access in browser.