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Install Immich in LXC with optional CUDA support

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Immich in LXC with Optional CUDA support

Install Immich in LXC with optional CUDA support. This guide should be applicable to any bare-metal installation, even the ones with Intel or AMD GPUs.


Immich is a

High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution

I really like Immich and its coherent experience in both mobile and web. However, the official Documents only provides Docker installation guide, which is less than ideal for a LXC user.

But, not providing a bare-metal installation guide for Immich can be justified as Immich is more than a simple binary and does requires some efforts to set up in current state.

This guide is heavily inspired by another guide Immich Native, and the install script & service files are modified from the ones in that repo. KUDO to its author, arter97!

Immich Components

  • Immich
    • Web Server
    • Microservices
    • Machine Learning Server
  • Database
    • Redis
    • Postgresql
      • PG-vector
  • System
    • ffmpeg
    • Node.js
    • git
  • (Optional) Reverse Proxy
    • Nginx
  • (Optional) NVIDIA
    • Driver
    • CuDNN (Version 8)

As one could tell, it is a lot of works, and a lot of things to get right. However, Immich is quite resilience and will fall-back to a baseline default when hardware-acceleration does not work.

For the simplicity of the guide, all the components are installed in a single LXC container. However, it is always possible to run different components in different LXC containers. As it is always a design choice.

Host setup

I am using Proxmox VE 8 as the LXC host, which is based on Debian, and I have a NVIDIA GPU, with a proprietary driver (550) installed.

Prepare the LXC container

First, create a LXC normally. Make sure there is reasonable amount CPU and memory, because we are going to install and compile a lot of things, and it would not hurt to give it a bit more. For a CPU-only Immich server, there should be at least 8 GiB of storage, and a NVIDIA GPU one should have at least 16 GiB to have it installed. However, once one starts using Immich, it will create a lot of caching, so don't forget to resize the LXC volumes accordingly.

Also, there is no need for a privileged container, if one does not plan to mount a file system directly inside the LXC container.

This tutorial uses Ubuntu 24.04 LTS LXC image as a base. Things will differ in different distro, though.

Mount host volume to LXC container (Optional)

This part of the guide is about mounting a directory from the host to a unprivileged container. The directory can be a SMB or a NFS share that is already mounted on the host, or any other local directory.

Follow the guide at another repository of mine.

And, that is it, EZ, right?

NVIDIA go-brrrrrrrrrrr (NVIDIA GPU LXC pass-through) (Optional)

Follow the guide at another repository of mine.

After finishing all of the steps in that guide, the guest OS should execute command nvidia-smi without any error.

For Immich machine learning support, we also need to install CuDNN,

apt install nvidia-cudnn libcublaslt12 libcublas12

Zu easy, innit?

Install utilities and databases

apt install curl git python3-venv python3-dev build-essential unzip


As for postgresql, visit official guide for latest guide on installing postgresql 16 and adding extension repo, as immich depends on a vector extension.

apt install -y postgresql-common
apt -y install postgresql
apt install postgresql-16-pgvector

To prepare the database, we need to make some configuration.

First, we need to become user postgres, and connect to the database,

su postgres

In the psql interface, we type in following SQL command,


Note: change password.

Note: To change back to the pre-su user, exit should do the trick.


For a CUDA user, to install ffmpeg, it is recommend not to use the ffmpeg in the Ubuntu APT repo, because its hardware acceleration is not enabled at the compile time. Instead, a version from Jellyfin that supports all kinds of hardware acceleration is recommended, because that version is well-maintained and receive active updates. And here is how this could be done.

First, we need to add the repository of Jellyfin to the system package manager. The following commands is mostly copy-and-paste from the official installation documentation, and is for Ubuntu and its derivative only.

A Debian user should go to its official install documentation and follow the instruction there. Though, the difference is subtle. One should follow the instruction until just before installing the entire Jellyfin ---- we don't need that here, only its FFmpeg component.

apt install curl gnupg software-properties-common
add-apt-repository universe
mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/jellyfin.gpg
export VERSION_OS="$( awk -F'=' '/^ID=/{ print $NF }' /etc/os-release )"
export VERSION_CODENAME="$( awk -F'=' '/^VERSION_CODENAME=/{ print $NF }' /etc/os-release )"
export DPKG_ARCHITECTURE="$( dpkg --print-architecture )"
cat <<EOF | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.sources
Types: deb
Components: main
Architectures: ${DPKG_ARCHITECTURE}
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/jellyfin.gpg
apt update

Then, we install the ffmpeg from Jellyfin.

apt install jellyfin-ffmpeg6

Finally, we soft link the Jellyfin ffmpeg to /bin/

ln -s /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg  /bin/ffmpeg
ln -s /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe  /bin/ffprobe

Now, calling ffmpeg should output a long gibberish.

Alternative way of installing FFmpeg (Static build)

Download one from FFmpeg Static Builds. This may be the preferred way for a CPU-only user -- less things, less headache.

tar -xf ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
cp ffmpeg-git-amd64-static/ffmpeg /bin/ffmpeg


Immich works fine with the Redis in Ubuntu 22.04 APT repo. No additional config is needed.

apt install redis

Now, we are mostly ready to install the Immich server.

Install Immich Server

Create a Immich user, if you already done so in the above optional section, you may safely skip the following code block.

useradd -m immich
chsh immich # Optional: Change the default shell the immich user is using. Typically to /bin/bash
sudo adduser immich sudo # In order for immich user to issue command

After creating the user, we should first install node.js for the user, Immich.


Immich works on Node.js 20 LTS, and Ubuntu ships an ancient node.js. We need to go to Node.js's download site for a modern version.

Because npm/nvm by default use user installation, i.e, install the binary at the home directory of current user, the following code should be executed in the shell environment of whichever user that runs Immich. Other installations in this tutorial are global, however, meaning that they should be executed in sudo/root privilege.

Assume one is currently login as user root, to change to the user we just created,

su immich

To change back to the pre-su user, exit should do the trick.

After change to the Immich user,

(The following script is copy-pasted from the node.js's download website.)

# installs NVM (Node Version Manager)
curl -o- | bash

Logout and login to reload the terminal so that nvm is available. Or, issue these commands in your existing shell.

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm

NOTE: At any time, if you log out of the immich user shell, you will need to manually execute the previous block or make sure that NVM_DIR is set using

echo $NVM_DIR

Now, download and install Node.js

nvm install 20

# verifies the right Node.js version is in the environment
node -v # should print `v20.13.1`

# verifies the right NPM version is in the environment
npm -v # should print `10.5.2`

Note: We may set NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR environment variables in bash to use a proxy for installing node js

The install script

The install script is the in this repo. It installs or update the current Immich instance. The Immich instance itself is stateless, thanks to its containerized nature. Thus, it is safe to delete the app folder that will resides inside INSTALL_DIR folder that we are about to config. DO NOT DELETE UPLOAD FOLDER IN THE INSTALL_DIR. It stores all the uploaded content. Also, one should always a snapshot of the media folder during the updating or installation process, just in case something goes horribly wrong.

Clone this repo

Just in case one does not know,

git clone

Change directory

It is recommend to have our working directory set to the repo's directory.

cd immich-in-lxc

The environment variables

An example .env file that will be generated when no .env file is found inside current working directory when executing the script.

Let us go ahead and execute the script. No worry, when .env file is not found, the script will gracefully exit and do no change to the file system.


Then, we should have a .env file in current directory.

  • REPO_TAG is the version of the Immich that we are going to install,
  • INSTALL_DIR is where the app, source folder will resides in,
  • UPLOAD_DIR is where the user uploads goes to,
  • isCUDA when set to true, will install Immich with CUDA supprt, otherwise, only CPU will be used by Immich,
  • PROXY_NPM sets the mirror URL that npm will use, if empty, it will use the official one, and
  • PROXY_POETRY sets the mirror URL that poetry will use, if empty, it will use the official one.

Note: The immich user should have read and write access to both INSTALL_DIR and UPLOAD_DIR.

Run the script

After the .env is properly configured, we are now ready to do the actual installation.


It should go without errors, just like ever dev says.

After several minutes, ideally, it would say,

Done. Please install the systemd services to start using Immich.

Lastly, we need to review and modify the runtime.env that is inside INSTALL_DIR (not the one inside this repo). The default value should do the job, though.

Post install script

The post install script will copy the systemd service files to proper location (and overwrite the original ones), assuming one is using Ubuntu, or something similar. Additionally, it creates a folder for log at /var/log/. Both operation requires sudo/root privilege, so make sure to review the script before proceeding.


Then, modify the service file to make sure every path name is spelled correctly.

After that, we are now ready to start our Immich instance!

NOTE: If you receive an error stating Interactive authentication required, issue the commands separately as root/sudo.

systemctl daemon-reload && \
systemctl start immich-microservices && \
systemctl start immich-ml && \
systemctl start immich-web

The default setting exposes the Immich web server on port 3001 on all available address. For security reason, one should put a reverse proxy, e.g. Nginx, HAProxy, in front of the immich instance and add SSL to it.

To make the service persistent and start after reboot.

systemctl enable immich-microservices && \
systemctl enable immich-ml && \
systemctl enable immich-web

Immich config

Because we are install Immich instance in a none docker environment, some DNS lookup will not work. For instance, we need to change the URL inside Administration > Settings > Machine Learning Settings > URL to http://localhost:3003, otherwise the web server cannot communicate with the ML backend.

Additionally, for LXC with CUDA support enabled, one needs to go to Administration > Settings > Video Transcoding Settings > Hardware Acceleration > Acceleration API and select NVENC to explicitly use the GPU to do the transcoding.

Update the Immich instance

The Immich server instance is designed to be stateless, meaning that deleting the instance, i.e. the INSTALL_DIR/app folder, (NOT DATABASE OR OTHER STATEFUL THINGS) will not break anything. Thus, to upgrade the current Immich instance, all one needs to do is essentially install the latest Immich.

Before the update, one should backup or at least snapshot the current container.

First thing to do is to stop the old instance.

systemctl stop immich-microservices && \
systemctl stop immich-ml && \
systemctl stop immich-web

After that update this repo, i.e. do a git pull in folder immich-in-lxc.

Then, the modify REPO_TAG value in .env file based on the one in install.env.

Finally, run the, and it will update Immich, hopefully without problems.

Also, don't forget to start the service to load the latest Immich instance.


Install Immich in LXC with optional CUDA support






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