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A statistical pipeline for genetic analysis in connected multiparental (diploid) populations


  • Functions include data filtering, map construction, genotype imputation, and haplotype reconstruction.
  • Apply to many multiparental populations with shared inbred or outbred parents
  • Account for various sequencing errors such as allelic bias
  • Efficient for genomic data with hundreds of thousands of markers


The software is licensed under PolyForm Strict License 1.0.0. For commercial use, a (paid) license agreement needs to be set up. To obtain the license agreement, contact [email protected].


See RABBITManual for the detailed online document.


  1. Download and install Julia available at
  2. Download RABBIT repository
  3. In a command shell, run
path/to/bin/julia.exe path/to/install_RABBIT.jl

Alternatively, from the Julia (>=v1.9.7, 64-bit) REPL, run


Similarly, use uninstall_RABBIT.jl to uninstall RABBIT, and use test_RABBIT.jl to test RABBIT.


RABBIT consists of a set of Julia packages. Here is a list of key packages.

Package name Description
MagicBase Basic data structures and functions
MagicSimulate Simulation of genotypic/phenotypic data
MagicFilter Filter genotypic data
MagicCall Single marker genotype calling
MagicMap Linkage map construction
MagicImpute Genotype imputation
MagicReconstruct Haplotype reconstruction
MagicScan QTL scan (EXPERIMENT)

Run RABBIT in Julia REPL

Load package

To load a package for data analysis such as genotype imputatioin, run

using MagicImpute

Run function

Generally, RABBIT requires two inputs: genofile and pedinfo. The following is an overview of key functions.

magicimpute("geno.vcf.gz","ped.csv"; mapfile="outstem_magicmap_construct_map.csv.gz")


To get help for a function such as magicimpute, run


Run RABBIT in a command line.

The RABBIT CLI is a collection of main function files that are located in the download RABBIT repository folder RABBITCLI; each file is a wrapper of the corresponding julia function.

Run main function file

Change into work directory including input files, and run a main function file in a command shell,

path/to/bin/julia.exe path/to/RABBITCLI/src/rabbit_function.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv

We will assume that the paths to julia.exe and the main function file have been added in the platform environmental variable PATH.

julia rabbit_function.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv

The following is an overview of the key main function files:

julia rabbit_magicfilter.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
julia rabbit_magiccall.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
julia rabbit_magicmap.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
julia rabbit_magicimpute.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv --mapfile outstem_magicmap_construct_map.csv.gz
julia rabbit_magicreconstruct.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv


To get help for each main function file, run

julia rabbit_function.jl -h