Module for configuring Debian based systems.
Tested on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Squeeze and Ubuntu 10.4 LTS with Puppet 2.6. Patches for other operating systems are welcome.
Clone this repo to a debian directory under your Puppet modules directory:
git clone git:// debian
If you don't have a Puppet Master you can create a manifest file based on the notes below and run Puppet in stand-alone mode providing the module directory you cloned this repo to:
puppet apply --modulepath=modules test_debian.pp
An alternative implementation can be added:
debian::alternatives::add { "x-terminal-emulator":
link => "/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator",
path => "/usr/bin/urxvtcd",
priority => 20,
And the alternative implementation can be selected:
debian::alternatives::set { "x-terminal-emulator":
path => "/usr/bin/urxvtcd",