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Python implementation of general linear model for quantifying fluorophores in fluorescent hyperspectral images


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CubeGLM (formerly gmodetector_py)

CubeGLM is a Python package for analyzing fluorescent hyperspectral images. Key features include the abilities to quantify known spectral components (e.g. GFP and chlorophyll, in the context of plant biology) in each pixel of hyperspectral images (A.K.A. hypercubes) as well as producing false color images to allow visualization of each component's concentration in each pixel. This package was developed for use in the GMOdetector workflow to study plant transformation; however, it can be used to analyze any hyperspectral images in which the number of spectral components is low enough for them to be quantified by regression without high levels of noise.


Conda (recomennded)

conda install -c "naglemi" cubeglm

Manual installation

  1. Install a GitHub interface (command line or graphical and clone this repository (e.g. git clone if using the command line.
  2. (Recommended): Install Anaconda or Miniconda to support installation of dependencies without conflicts.
  3. Create an environment that already has most dependencies using this command:
    conda create -y -c conda-forge -n test-environment python=3.7.4 pytest codecov numpy pandas matplotlib tzlocal h5py pytables rpy2 parallel
  4. Activate the new conda environment
    conda activate test-environment
  5. Install Spectral Python from the pypi repository
    pip install spectral
  6. Launch R and install scales from the R console via:
    install.packages('scales', repos = '')
  • Note: To launch R, just type R on the command line and press enter. Once you have completed installation and are ready to leave R and return to command line, enter q(). When prompted, enter n to indicate there is no need to save the workspace.
  1. Install gmodetector_py and test dependencies. The below command should be run from inside the gmodetector_py directory that is created from step 1 of this section.
    pip install ".[test]"

Sample data

We provide two sample hyperspectral images that can be used to test CubeGLM and make sure the package is working properly before running your own data. Since these hyperspectral files are too large for GitHub (~1.4GB each), they can be found on Google Drive. This folder also includes example outputs for comparison to ensure test analysis runs properly.

Basic use

Preparing a design matrix with known spectral components

To quantify spectral components in our hypercube, we must have a design matrix with columns representing the spectra of each known component. This can be prepared using the XMatrix class.

test_matrix = XMatrix(fluorophore_ID_vector = ['GFP', 'Chl', 'Noise'],
                      spectral_library_path = spectral_library_path,
                      intercept = 1,
                      wavelengths = read_wavelengths(file_path = file_path),
                      spectra_noise_threshold = 0.01,
                      min_desired_wavelength = 500,
                      max_desired_wavelength = 900)
  • intercept can be set to 0 if there is no background signal in your hyperspectral images. To be clear, this means there is not even a faint signal when images are taken with no light source and perfect darkness is expected. If there is background signal, a y-intercept should be included by setting intercept to 1 instead of 0.
  • spectral_library_path should point to the path for the spectral_library folder in this GitHub repo, or alternatively your own spectral library with spectra in the same format.
  • fluorophore_ID_vector should be a list that matches file prefixes of spectra in this folder.
  • file_path should point to an ENVI-format hdr file that lists wavelengths for a sample hyperspectral image. Assuming the wavelengths for all of your images are the same, it can be any one of these images. The prefix to the hdr file (containing metadata) must match a raw file (containing the hypercube itself) in the same folder.

Loading a hypercube

test_cube = Hypercube(file_path,
                      min_desired_wavelength = 500,
                      max_desired_wavelength = 900)
  • See under "Preparing a design matrix..." for the description of file_path. When creating an object of Hypercube class, it should point to the hdr file for the desired hyperspectral image.

Computing weights for spectral components

weight_array = WeightArray(test_matrix=test_matrix,
                           relu = relu_before_plot)
  • test_matrix and test_cube should point to objects of XMatrix and Hypercube classes, produced as described in the previos two steps.
  • relu_before_plot can be set to True (recommended for standard use) or False. If True, negative weights will be replaced with zero. This helps us make sure the scales for false color are consistent across images with the same settings (as described below).

To save a weight_array object for downstream analysis with other tools, we can use the save method for the WeightArray class as follows: = output_file_name_prefix, format = weight_format, output_dir = output_dir, threshold = threshold)

  • path points to where the file will be saved. If you wish for the path to match the file preix of the imported hypercube, this can be set to ntpath.basename(weight_array.source). Note, ntpath must first be imported (import ntpath).
  • format can be set to either csv or hdf (the latter for faster loading in downstream analysis with other tools).
  • threshold refers to a significance threshold. Above this threshold, all cumulative signal will be counted to produce summary statistics. The units are arbitrary and depend on a given hyperspectral camera. In our research, we set this to 38 because this represents above which significant GFP or DsRed reporter protein signal can be clearly distinguished from background noise. This only affects the _summary.csv files discussed below.

When a weight array is saved, two outputs will be produced. The first is the weight array itself, which can be analyzed with downstream tools such as in our GMOdetector workflow to study plant transformation. The second output is a _summary.csv file that contains the cumulative signals for each fluorescent component (with thresholding according to the aforementioned threshold parameter). This latter file can be used for statistical analysis in other workflows that do not involve further examination of the weight array itself.

Producing false color images for visualizing spectral component signals

We can produce false color images representing the intensities of up to three spectral components using the FalseColor and ImageChannel classes.

stacked_component_image = FalseColor([ImageChannel(weight_array = weight_array,
                                                   desired_component_or_wavelength = "GFP",
                                                   color = 'green',
                                                   cap = 400),
                                      ImageChannel(weight_array = weight_array,
                                                   desired_component_or_wavelength = "Chl",
                                                   color = 'red',
                                                   cap = 200),
                                      ImageChannel(weight_array = weight_array,
                                                   desired_component_or_wavelength = "Noise",
                                                   color = 'blue',
                                                   cap = 200)])
  • weight_array can point to an object of class WeightArray if you wish to plot spectral component weights. Alternatively, this parameter can be replaced with hypercube and pointed to a Hypercube object if you wish to plot wavelength intensities.
  • Desired_component_or_wavelength can be set to either a string value referring to a known spectral component in the spectral library, or to a numeric value for a given wavelength for which data is collected.
  • color must be set to red, green, or blue for a given channel.
  • cap indicates an upper limit of signal for each of these component. Any signal at or above these values will appear with maximum brightness; thus, these variables are comparable to exposure on an RGB camera. If caps are too high, not much signal at lower ranges will be seen. If cap for a given component is too low, the false color images will appear overexposed with respect to the component.

Saving false color images: = stacked_component_image.source,
                             output_dir = output_dir)

This will save a png file for the FalseColor image with the same file prefix as the input hypercube, in the user-defined output_dir.

High-throughput deployment

In this repository, is provided in the wrappers folder. This provides a high-level Python function, as well as a command line interface, to run over the previously described functions for a given sample.

For details, run python from the command line to see command-line argument descriptions, or run help(analyze_sample) from Python after loading the function.

Under the hood

See the notebook Designing_regression.ipynb for a description of the mathematical approach.


We thank the National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program for support (IOS #1546900, Analysis of genes affecting plant regeneration and transformation in poplar), and members of GREAT TREES Research Cooperative at OSU for its support of the Strauss laboratory.


Python implementation of general linear model for quantifying fluorophores in fluorescent hyperspectral images







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