Creates a VPC in an AWS count along with related resources like subnets, route tables, gateways etc
Sets up an EC2 instance from a custom ami with jenkins and supporting sorftware installed (to see how to make custom ami using packer: repo link)
Configures a jenkins ec2 server:
- Enables certbot ssl verification
- Procures intitial jenkins password
- Sets docker and github authectications as jenkins secrets
- Adds 2 job pipelines (publishing helm-chart releases: repo link; updating deployed helm-chart with pushes to webapp: see repo)
- Installs relevant plugins and software
Note: Webhooks need to be configured for repos for jobs to be triggered: /github-webhook/
- Change the variables in roles/vars/common-vars.yml as needed
- Ensure existence of keypair in aws account and private key on system
- Change or create user-data.sh to contain your server name
- Create a file .yml in roles/vars/ containing config specific values (use existing refrences)
- Go through and make changes as needed to jenkins configuration in roles/jenkins_configuration/tasks/main.yml
make sure relevant domain records and resources present in common_vars exist in your aws account
ansible-playbook setup_playbook.yml --extra-var "env=username"
for only network set up, set instance_flag to no
ansible-playbook setup_playbook.yml --extra-var "instance_flag=no env=username"
note: after network setup, instance can be deployed by running the playbook again without any flags
ansible-playbook configure_jenkins.yml --extra-var "env=username"
To launch Jenkins Infrastructure using a specific AWS Named Profile and in Debug mode, use:
AWS_PROFILE={{named_profile}} ANSIBLE_DEBUG=true ansible-playbook setup_playbook.yml
ansible-playbook termination_playbook.yml --extra-var "key=app value=jenkins env=username"
for only instance teardown, set network_flag=no