Better Rimworlds is a collection of 15+ mods designed to transform your RimWorld experience by integrating concepts from the Stargate universe (SG-1 and Atlantis) and expanding gameplay possibilities. Our mods focus on turning your RimWorld into a Hub World - a planet dedicated to facilitating transportation and trade at faster-than-light speeds through the implementation of Stargates and related technologies.
The Better Rimworlds collection revolves around two major themes:
- Hub World Development - Transform your colony into a central hub for interplanetary trade and travel
- Stargate Integration - Experience authentic Stargate universe technologies and mechanics within RimWorld
- Longer Gameplay - Designed to aid in much longer gameplay and continuity across 100s of years with the same people.
The Stargate: Pawns and things can be sent, instantly, to different savegames.
The Stargate DHD: Pawns and things can be sent, across the Internet, to another computer and different versions of Rimworld. But they need to know the 6-digit Stargate address of that computer. The Rimworld devs never anticipated this to be possible and many, many hacks have been done in this mod. It's a great technical achievement and greatly expands the game.
The ZPM (Zero-Point Module): An extremely powerful Atlantean quantum storage battery with over 32,500 Rimworld watts storage, operating at 150% efficiency (it grabs energy from the Zero-Point Field) and an additional 100% capacity stored direclty in a pocket dimension, for a total of 65,000 watts of storage. But be warned: Above 20,000 storaged watts, there is a chance for -great- cataclysmic ZPM overloads, as seen in the Stargate Atlantis TV series: Over 50-100 radius fireball explosions that kill and destroy basically everything instantly.
The Zat'Nik'Tel (zatgun): The stungun from Stargate SG-1. An ancient Goa'uld weapon: 1 shot stuns (psychic shock, with a chance of catatonia), 2 shots kill.
CryoRegenesis caskets: Modeled directly after the Stargate (The Motion Picture) and SG-1 Gao'uld sarcophagi, these cryosleep caskets relatively quickly deage both humans and animals to a youthful vigor, repair all wounds and diseases, and even can resurrect the dead (if they've been unfrozen for less than 24 hours after death).
Dematerializer: A purely-defensive quantum teleportation device, modelled after the Asgardian teleportation defense tech as seen in the Stargate SG-1 episode "Shades of Grey" (Season 3, Episode 18).
Teleporter Room: An Atlantean device where in all pawns and objects in a specially-designed teleporter room swap with any pawns and objects in the destination teleporter room. Great for instant travel from different colonies on the same planet.
Psionic Disruptor: A powerful blast of psionic energy that disables virtually all pawns on the map, and kills psychically-sensitive. Only psychically deaf are unaffected. This is a port of the Aschen's "Atanos device" as seen on Stargate SG-1 episodes "2001" (s05e03) and "2010" (s04e16).
Wake-Up Rib: A bionic implant inspired by Jaffa physiology that reduces sleep need by 98%, allowing colonists to function with just minutes of sleep per day. Contains tiny wake-up dispensers that keep the user alert and focused. Like Jaffa warriors who perform Kel'no'reem, colonists with this implant benefit from regular meditation to maintain mental stability. The implant grants significant work speed, movement and consciousness bonuses, but increases mental break risk and accelerates aging by 25%.
ThermoVoltaicGenerator: Uses quantum teleportation to artificially slow down air particles so that a room, of any size, is cooled to the desired temperature or the outside temp, whichever is cooler. It transforms the faster air particles directly into electricity at over 150% efficiency (due to the Zero-Point Energy Field). But if the room becomes exposed to the Outside, you have very little time before the generator overheats and destroys the map, and eventually, the entire planet. When properly used, it can generate 100% of your colony's energy needs and is great for charging ZPMs.
Coma Drug: This mod adds the capability to induce medical comas in pawns through a specialized drug. Medical comas can be used to keep injured pawns in a stable state, prevent them from experiencing pain, and potentially increase healing efficiency.
Savegame Shrinker: Extend the playable life of your colony indefinitely, by minimizing the savegames every 5-10 years. This directly increases the tickrates for most saves.
Uplifted Animals: ALZ-112: A neurogenerative mRNA drug that can cure neurodegenerative conditions and uplift animals. It also brings Rimworld pre-v1.3 behaviors to many domestic animals.
ED-Enhanced Options: A continuation of Jaxxa's ED-Enhanced Options, ported to Rimworld v1.4 and v1.5. 24H plant growth, no speed slowdown, prevent roof collapse, and more.
ED-Laser Drill: A continuation of Jaxxa's ED-Laser Drill, ported to Rimworld v1.3, v1.4, and v1.5. Create your own Geothermal vents!
The Better Rimworlds collection is designed to work together seamlessly. While individual mods can function independently, they provide the best experience when used together. Compatibility with other popular mods is continuously improved.
For support, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue on the specific mod's repository or leave a comment on the mod's Steam Workshop page.