Create a personalized report of your research. You can specify a list of search te execute with specific files types and pattern to find into them. Personalise the output search results.
Download the zip file from latest release and unzip it in our ".vscode/extensions" folder.
Into vscode use ctrl+maj+p and tip
generate search report
Create a custom-search.json in your root folder and customize it, ex:
"filesPatterns": [
{ "type": "AngularJS controllers", "filesPattern": "**/*.module.js", "annotationPattern": ".controller\\(" },
{ "type": "AngularJS Components", "filesPattern": "**/*.module.js", "annotationPattern": ".component\\(" },
{ "type": "AngularJS Services", "filesPattern": "**/*.module.js", "annotationPattern": ".service\\(|.factory\\(" },
{ "type": "AngularJS directives", "filesPattern": "**/*.module.js", "annotationPattern": ".directive\\(" },
{ "type": "JS files", "filesPattern": "**/*.js" },
{ "type": "Angular components", "filesPattern": "**/*.ts", "annotationPattern": "@Component\\(" },
{ "type": "Angular services", "filesPattern": "**/*.ts", "annotationPattern": "@Injectable\\(" },
{ "type": "TS files", "filesPattern": "**/*.ts" }
"exclusionPatterns": "{node_modules,**/*.mock.ts}"