Tuya-local configuration For Pet Feeder Honeygaridan-S56 https://www.honeyguardian.com/collections/feeder/products/honeyguardian-6l-smart-cat-feeder?variant=46640566272293
Home assistant configuration
Entity List HONEYGUARIDAN S56 App Style select.honeyguaridan_s56_app_style App Style color ( "1"-"Dark", "2"-"White", "3"-"Ciano", "4"-"Violet","5"-"Ciano-Violet")
HONEYGUARIDAN S56 Battery Level sensor.honeyguaridan_s56_battery_level Battery level ("empty"-"EMPTY !!!", "low"-"LOW !", "high"-"HIGH", "full"-"FULL")
HONEYGUARIDAN S56 Error code sensor.honeyguaridan_s56_error_code Error code (This model don't have a sensor the value is unknow, HoneyGuaridan write ERR1: Corrente motore anomala ERR3: Rilevamento anomalo della griglia a infrarossi durante la rotazione. ERR4:ERR1+ERR3) ( 0 - "OK", "food_run_out" - "food_run_out", "ERR1" - "ERR1 - TO DEFINE", "ERR3" - "ERR3 - TO DEFINE", "ERR5" - "ERR5 - TO DEFINE"
Hours format ( ON - 00:00 - 23:59, OFF 00:00 12:00 pm/am)
HONEYGUARIDAN S56 Manual Feeding number.honeyguaridan_s56_manual_feeding Manual feeding portion (if modified the device distributes the chosen portion number )
HONEYGUARIDAN S56 Meal Log number.honeyguaridan_s56_meal_log Meal log ( number of portions distributed in the last programming)
- HONEYGUARIDAN S56 Planning sensor.honeyguaridan_s56_planning
Base64 CODE: https://github.com/Bellavista/Tuya-Local-Honeygaridan-S56/wiki
HONEYGUARIDAN S56 Slow Feeding switch.honeyguaridan_s56_slow_feeding Slow Feed (motor pause during rotation)
HONEYGUARIDAN S56 Vocal Message number.honeyguaridan_s56_vocal_message Vocal message (number of voice message repetitions before food distribution)
Thaks to:
- [@freshcoast] for base64 conversions