This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor.While doing this project, we will learn static variables, reading and printing from multiple files line by line.
read(), malloc(), free()
- Function name: get_next_line
- Prototype: char *get_next_line(int fd);
- Turn in files: get_next_line.c, get_next_line_utils.c, get_next_line.h
- Parameters: fd: The file descriptor to read from
- Return value: Read line: correct behavior NULL: there is nothing else to read, or an error occurred
- Description: Write a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor
- Repeated calls (e.g., using a loop) to your get_next_line() function should let you read the text file pointed to by the file descriptor, one line at a time
- Your function should return the line that was read. If there is nothing else to read or if an error occurred, it should return NULL.
- Make sure that your function works as expected both when reading a file and when reading from the standard input.
- Please note that the returned line should include the terminating \n character, except if the end of file was reached and does not end with a \n character
- Your header file get_next_line.h must at least contain the prototype of the get_next_line() function.
- Add all the helper functions you need in the get_next_line_utils.c file.
- A good start would be to know what a static variable is.
- Develop get_next_line() using only one static variable.
- Your get_next_line() can manage multiple file descriptors at the same time. For example, if you can read from the file descriptors 3, 4 and 5, you should be able to read from a different fd per call without losing the reading thread of each file descriptor or returning a line from another fd. It means that you should be able to call get_next_line() to read from fd 3, then fd 4, then 5, then once again 3, once again 4, and so forth.
- Append the _bonus.[c\h] suffix to the bonus part files. It means that, in addition to the mandatory part files, you will turn in the 3 following files:
- get_next_line_bonus.c
- get_next_line_bonus.h
- get_next_line_utils_bonus.c
git clone
gcc get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c BUFFER_SIZE=n
gcc get_next_line_bonus.c get_next_line_utils_bonus.c BUFFER_SIZE=n
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