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% %Academic CV LaTeX Template % Author: Basavaraj Patil % LinkedIn: \href{}{} % License: MIT % % For errors, suggestions, or improvements, please contact: % Email: [email protected]



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\begin{document} \headerfontiii

% Header \begin{center} {\Huge\textbf{Basavaraj Patil}} \end{center} \vspace{-6mm}

\begin{center} \small{ +91-827-719-4808 | \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected] } | \href{}{\href{}{\_ERP} } } \end{center} \vspace{-6mm}

\begin{center} \small{ \socialicon{\faLinkedin} \href{}{\href{}{} | \socialicon{\faGithub} \href{}{\href{}{} } | } \end{center} \vspace{-6mm} \begin{center} \small{Your City, Your State - Your ZIP, Your Country} \end{center}


\section{\textbf{Objective}} \vspace{1mm} \small{ Seeking a challenging position in [your field] to leverage my expertise in [your key skills]. Aiming to contribute to innovative projects at the intersection of [your interests] and practical problem-solving in fields such as [specific areas of interest]. } \vspace{-2mm}

\section{\textbf{Experience}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumeSubheading {{Company A [\href{}{\faIcon{globe}}]}}{City, Country} {Job Title A}{Month Year - Month Year} \resumeItemListStart \item Developed [specific achievement] achieving [specific metric] in [specific area] \item Implemented [technology/method], enhancing [specific aspect] by [specific percentage] \item Conducted analysis on [specific data], identifying [key findings] \item Presented findings at [specific event], receiving [specific recognition] \resumeItemListEnd \resumeSubheading {Company B [\href{}{\faIcon{globe}}]}{Remote} {Job Title B}{Month Year - Month Year} \resumeItemListStart \item Engineered a [specific system/model], improving [specific metric] by [percentage] \item Developed [specific tool/method], increasing [specific aspect] by [percentage] \item Implemented [specific system], reducing [specific metric] by [percentage] \item Conducted [specific test/analysis] to validate [specific aspect] \resumeItemListEnd \resumeSubHeadingListEnd \vspace{-6mm}

\section{\textbf{Education}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart

\resumeSubheading {University Name}{City, Country} {Degree Name}{Month Year - Month Year} \resumeItemListStart \item GPA: X.XX/4.00 \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeSubheading {College Name}{City, Country} {Pre-University Education}{Month Year} \resumeItemListStart \item Grade: XX.X% \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeSubheading {High School Name}{City, Country} {Secondary Education}{Month Year} \resumeItemListStart \item GPA: X.X/10 \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeSubHeadingListEnd \vspace{-6mm}

\section{\textbf{Projects}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart

\resumeProject {Project A: [Brief Description]} {Tools: [List of tools and technologies used]} {Month Year - Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faGithub}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Developed [specific feature/system] for [specific purpose] \item Implemented [specific technology] for [specific goal], achieving [specific result] \item Created [specific component], ensuring [specific benefit] \item Applied [specific method] to analyze [specific aspect] \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeProject {Project B: [Brief Description]} {Tools: [List of tools and technologies used]} {Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faGithub}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Developed [specific model/system], achieving [specific metric] \item Implemented [specific feature], processing [specific volume] of data \item Created [specific visualization] for [specific purpose] \item Developed [specific component] for easy integration with [specific system] \resumeItemListEnd


\section{\textbf{Patents and Publications} \textcolor{darkblue}{\scriptsize C=Conference, J=Journal, P=Patent, S=In Submission, T=Thesis}} \vspace{0.2mm} \small{ \begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=, labelsep=0.5em, align=left, widest={[\textbf{S.1}]}, itemindent=0em, label={\textbf{[\arabic]}]}] \item[\textbf{[C.1]}] Your Name, et al. (Year). \href{}{\textbf{Title of Conference Paper}}. In \textit{Name of Conference Proceedings}, pp. XX-XX. Publisher. Date, Location. DOI: XX.XXXX/XXXXXXX.XXXX.XXXXXXX

\item[\textbf{[S.1]}] Your Name, et al. (Year). \textbf{Title of Submitted Paper}. Manuscript submitted for publication in \textit{Journal Name}.

\item[\textbf{[P.1]}] Inventor 1, Your Name, Inventor 3, et al. (Year). \href{}{\textbf{Title of Patent}}. Patent Office, Patent No. XXXXXXXXX. Registration Date: Date, Grant Date: Date, Publication Date: Date.

\item[\textbf{[J.1]}] Author 1, Your Name, Author 3, et al. (Year). \href{}{\textbf{Title of Journal Article}}. \textit{Journal Name}, Vol. XX, Issue X, pp. XXX-XXX. DOI: XX.XXXX/XXXXX.XXXX.XXXXXXX \end{enumerate} }

\section{\textbf{Skills}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeHeadingSkillStart \resumeSubItem{Programming Languages:} {Language 1, Language 2, Language 3, Language 4, Language 5} \resumeSubItem{Web Technologies:} {Technology 1, Technology 2, Technology 3, Technology 4, Technology 5} \resumeSubItem{Database Systems:} {Database 1, Database 2, Database 3} \resumeSubItem{Data Science & Machine Learning:} {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5, Tool 6} \resumeSubItem{Cloud Technologies:} {Cloud Platform 1, Cloud Platform 2, Cloud Platform 3} \resumeSubItem{DevOps & Version Control:} {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5} \resumeSubItem{Specialized Area:} {Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skill 4} \resumeSubItem{Mathematical & Statistical Tools:} {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5} \resumeSubItem{Other Tools & Technologies:} {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5} \resumeSubItem{Research Skills:}{Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skill 4, Skill 5, Skill 6} \resumeHeadingSkillEnd

\section{\textbf{Honors and Awards}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart

\resumeProject {Award Name A} {Awarding Institution/Organization} {Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faIcon{globe}}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Brief description of the award and its significance \item Impact or recognition associated with the award \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeProject {Award Name B} {Awarding Institution/Organization} {Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faIcon{globe}}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Brief description of the award and its significance \item Impact or recognition associated with the award \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeProject {Competition Achievement} {Competition Name, Organizing Body} {Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faIcon{globe}}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Specific achievement or rank in the competition \item Skills or abilities demonstrated through this achievement \resumeItemListEnd


\vspace{-6mm} \section{\textbf{Leadership Experience}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumeProject {Leadership Role A} {Organization/Institution Name} {Month Year - Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faIcon{globe}}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Key responsibility or achievement in this role \item Quantifiable impact or improvement made during tenure \item Initiative taken or project led \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeProject {Leadership Role B} {Organization/Institution Name} {Month Year - Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faIcon{globe}}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Key responsibility or achievement in this role \item Quantifiable impact or improvement made during tenure \item Initiative taken or project led \resumeItemListEnd



\section{\textbf{Volunteer Experience}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumeProject {Volunteer Role A} {Organization Name} {Month Year - Month Year} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faIcon{globe}}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Key responsibility or contribution in this role \item Impact of your volunteer work \item Skills developed or applied during this experience \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeProject {Volunteer Role B} {Organization Name} {Month Year - Present} {{}[\href{}{\textcolor{darkblue}{\faIcon{globe}}}]} \resumeItemListStart \item Key responsibility or contribution in this role \item Impact of your volunteer work \item Skills developed or applied during this experience \resumeItemListEnd

\resumeSubHeadingListEnd \vspace{-6mm}

\section{\textbf{Professional Memberships}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumePOR{Professional Organization A} {, Membership ID: XXXXXXXX} {Month Year - Present} \resumePOR{Professional Organization B} {, \href{}{Membership ID: XXXXXXXX}} {Month Year - Present} \resumePOR{Professional Organization C} {, \href{}{Membership ID: XXXXXXXX}} {Month Year - Present}

\resumeSubHeadingListEnd \vspace{-6mm}

\section{\textbf{Certifications}} \vspace{-0.2mm} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumePOR{}{\href{}{ \textbf{Certification A} }}{Month Year} \resumePOR{}{ \textbf{Certifying Body:} {{\href{}{Certification B}}}}{Month Year} \resumePOR{}{ \textbf{Certifying Body:} {{\href{}{Certification C}}}}{Month Year} \resumePOR{}{\href{}{ \textbf{Certification D} }}{Month Year}

\resumeSubHeadingListEnd \vspace{-6mm}

\section{\textbf{Additional Information}} \vspace{-0.4mm} \small{ \textbf{Languages:} Language A (Proficiency level), Language B (Proficiency level), Language C (Proficiency level)

\textbf{Interests:} Interest 1, Interest 2, Interest 3, Interest 4 } \vspace{-4mm}

\section{\textbf{References}} \vspace{-0.2mm} \small{} \end{enumerate} }

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