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A collection of numerical methods written in Nim


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NumericalNim is a collection of numerical methods written in Nim. Currently it has support for integration, optimization, interpolation and ODE. It can operate on floats and custom structures, such as vectors and tensors (if they support a set of operators).


Install NumericalNim using Nimble:

nimble install numericalnim

Suggested compilation flags

With FMA and AVX2 there exist some SIMD instruction sets which can increase the performance on x86 machines. To enable these, nim has to pass some flags to the C compiler. Below is a small table, listing the flags to add when compiling with nim c for some widely used compilers:

Compiler Flags
clang -t:-mavx2 -t:-mfma -t:-ffp-contract=fast
gcc -t:-mavx2 -t:-mfma
icc -t:-march=core-avx2
msvc -t:arch:AVX2 -t:fp:fast


Initial value problems (IVP)

The integrators

These are the implemented ODE integrators:

First order ODE: y' = f(t, y)

  • rk21 - Heun's Adaptive 2nd order method.
  • BS32 - Bogacki–Shampine 3rd order adaptive method.
  • DOPRI54 - Dormand & Prince's adaptive 5th order method.
  • Heun2 - Heun's 2nd order fixed timestep method.
  • Ralston2 - Ralston's 2nd order fixed timestep method.
  • Kutta3 - Kutta's 3rd order fixed timestep method.
  • Heun3 - Heuns's 3rd order fixed timestep method.
  • Ralston3 - Ralston's 3rd order fixed timestep method.
  • SSPRK3 - Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta 3rd order fixed timestep method.
  • Ralston4 - Ralston's 4th order fixed timestep method.
  • Kutta4 - Kutta's 4th order fixed timestep method.
  • RK4 - The standard 4th order, fixed timestep method we all know and love.
  • Tsit54 - Tsitouras adaptive 5th order method.
  • Vern65 - Verner's "most efficient" 6th order adaptive timestep method.
  • Vern76 - Verner's "most efficient" 7th order adaptive timestep method.

Dense Output

All integrators support dense output using a 3rd order Hermite interpolant. Method specific interpolants may be added in the future.


Using default parameters the methods need 3 things: the function f(t, y) = y'(t, y), the initial values and the timepoints that you want the solution y(t) at.

Quick Tutorial

f(t, y) = 0.1*y

y(0) = 1

If we translate this to code we get:

import math
import numericalnim

proc f(t, y: float): float = 0.1*y

let y0 = 1.0

Now we must decide at which timepoints we want the solution at. NumericalNim provides two easy functions for creating seqs of floats:

linspace(x1, x2: float, N: int): seq[float] - Creates a seq of N evenly spaced points between x1 and x2.

arange(x1, x2, dx: float): seq[float] - Creates a seq of floats between x1 and x2 with the spacing dx. It has the optional parameters with default values: includeStart=true, includeEnd=false.

let tspan = linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 5)

This should do the trick. Now it's time to fire up the integrators!

The integrators are called using the proc solveODE and it returns a tuple with the timepoints and the function values at those points. We choose which integrator we wish to use by passing the name of the integrator. List of integrators can be found above.

let (t1, y1) = solveODE(f, y0, tspan, integrator="rk4")
let (t2, y2) = solveODE(f, y0, tspan, integrator="dopri54")

If we echo y1, y2 we see that both gives roughly the same answer.

@[0.8187307530779675, 0.9048374180359479, 1.0, 1.105170918075657, 1.221402758160196]
@[0.8187307530779828, 0.904837418035959, 1.0, 1.105170918075646, 1.221402758160169]

The analytical solution to the ODE is y(t) = exp(0.1*t) so we can compare both methods and see if the error is different:

let answer = exp(0.1 * 2.0)
echo "RK4: ", answer - y1[4]
echo "DOPRI54: ", answer - y2[4]
RK4: -2.642330798607873e-014
DOPRI54: 1.110223024625157e-015

As we can see both methods gives a good numerical approximation of this simple ODE.

Now it's time to play with the parameters and NumericalNim makes it easy to handle them using a ODEoptions type that is passed to solveODE. Here are the defaults:

let options = newODEoptions(dt = 1e-4, tol = 1e-4, dtMax = 1e-2, dtMin = 1e-8, tStart = 0.0)
let (t, y) = solveODE(f, y0, tspan, options = options, integrator = "dopri54")
  • dt - the timestep used by the fixed timestep methods.
  • tol - the tolerance used by the adaptive methods.
  • dtMax - the maximum allowed dt the adaptive method is allowed to use.
  • dtMin - the smallest allowed dt the adaptive method is allowed to use.
  • tStart - the time that the initial values are provided at.

If we lower dt to 1e-1 and tol to 1e-1 we should get a higher error than last time. Let's see!

let options = newODEoptions(dt = 1e-4, tol = 1e-4, dtMax = 1e-2, dtMin = 1e-8, tStart = 0.0)
let (t3, y3) = solveODE(f, y0, tspan, options = options, integrator = "rk4")
let (t4, y4) = solveODE(f, y0, tspan, options, integrator="dopri54")

echo "RK4: ", answer - y3[4]
echo "DOPRI54: ", answer - y4[4]
RK4: 2.018807343517892e-011
DOPRI54: 1.110223024625157e-015

The error of RK4 got a bit higher but not DOPRI54. If we increase dtMax to 1.0 we get the following:

RK4: 2.018807343517892e-011
DOPRI54: -4.620754889828049e-010

Now the error is higher for DOPRI54 as well.


1D Integration

The methods

  • trapz - Uses the trapezoidal rule to integrate both functions and discrete points. 2nd order method.
  • simpson - Uses Simpson's rule to integrate both functions and discrete points. 4th order method.
  • adaptiveSimpson - Uses a adaptive Simpson's rule to subdivide the integration interval in finer pieces where the integrand is changing a lot and wider pieces in intervals where it doesn't change much. This allows it to perform the integral efficiently and still have accuracy. The error is approximated using Richardson extrapolation. So technically the values it outputs are actually not Simpson's, but Booles' method.
  • romberg - Uses Romberg integration to integrate both functions and discrete points. Note: If discrete points are provided they must be equally spaced and the number of points must be of the form 2^k + 1 ie 3, 5, 9, 17, 33, 65, 129 etc.
  • cumtrapz - Uses the trapezoidal rule to integrate both functions and discrete points but it outputs a seq of the integral values at provided x-values.
  • cumsimpson - Uses Simpson's rule to integrate both functions and discrete points but it outputs a seq of the integral values at provided x-values.
  • gaussQuad - Uses Gauss-Legendre Quadrature to integrate functions. Choose between 20 different accuracies by setting how many function evaluations should be made on each subinterval with the nPoints parameter (1 - 20 is valid options).
  • adaptiveGauss - Uses Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature to adaptivly integrate function.


Using the default parameters you need to provide one of these sets:

  • f(x), xStart, xEnd
  • Y, X, where Y contains the values of the integrand at the points in X.

For the cumulative versions you need to provide either of:

  • f(x), X, where X is the points you want to evaluate the integral at.
  • Y, X, where Y contains the values of the integrand at the points in X.
  • f(x), X, dx, where X is the points you want to evaluate the integral at. dx is the timestep you want to use to step using. If dx is not provided it will use X. Use this if the resolution of X isn't enough to give you a low enough error.

The proc f must be of the form:

proc f[T](x: float, optional: seq[T]): T

If you don't understand what the "T" stands for, you can replace it with "float" in your head and read up on "Generics" in Nim.

Quick Tutorial

We want to evaluate the integral of f(x) = sin(x) from 0 to Pi. For this we can choose either trapz, simpson, adaptiveSimpson, gaussQuad or romberg. Let's do all of them and compare them!

import math
import numericalnim
proc f(x: float, optional: seq[float]): float = sin(x)
let xStart = 0.0
let xEnd = PI

let integral_trapz = trapz(f, xStart, xEnd)
let integral_simpson = simpson(f, xStart, xEnd)
let integral_adaptiveSimpson = adaptiveSimpson(f, xStart, xEnd)
let integral_gaussQuad = gaussQuad(f, xStart, xEnd)
let integral_adaptiveGauss = adaptiveGauss(f, xStart, xEnd)
let integral_romberg = romberg(f, xStart, xEnd)

echo "Trapz: ", integral_trapz
echo "Simpson: ", integral_simpson
echo "Adaptive Simpson: ", integral_adaptiveSimpson
echo "Gauss: ", integral_gaussQuad
echo "Adaptive Gauss: ", integral_adaptiveGauss
echo "Romberg: ", integral_romberg
Trapz: 1.999993420259403
Simpson: 2.000000000017319
Adaptive Simpson: 1.999999999997953
Gauss: 1.999999999999998
Adaptive Gauss: 2.0
Romberg: 1.999999999999077

The correct value is 2 so all of them seems to work, great! Let's compare the errors:

echo "Trapz error: ", 2.0 - integral_trapz
echo "Simpson error: ", 2.0 - integral_simpson
echo "Adaptive Simpson error: ", 2.0 - integral_adaptiveSimpson
echo "Gauss error: ", 2.0 - integral_gaussQuad
echo "Adaptive Gauss error: ", 2.0 - integral_adaptiveGauss
echo "Romberg error: ", 2.0 - integral_romberg
Trapz error: 6.5797405970347e-006
Simpson error: -1.731903509494259e-011
Adaptive Simpson error: 2.046807168198939e-012
Gauss error: 1.554312234475219e-015
Adaptive Gauss error: 0.0
Romberg error: 9.234835118832052e-013

We see that the trapezoidal rule is less accurate than the others as we could expect.

Example: Cumulative

If we want to calculate the cumulative integral we get the integral evaluated with different upper limits. In this example we are given the acceleration of an object at different timepoints and we want to know how far this object has traveled at each point in time. We assume the initial velocity and position are 0. Position is velocity integrated over time, and velocity is acceleration integrated over time. If we had just used one of the ordinary methods we would only have gotten the final velocity, not the intermediate ones. "Why do we need them?" you may ask. It's because the more points we have, the better our approximation of the integral will be. If we only had the initial and final velocity we could at best get the approximation of a line, which may not necessarily be correct. If we have more points we can approximate it much better, hence why we want the intermediate values.

The values we are given are:

import numericalnim

let a = @[1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5]
let t = @[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]

In this case a represents Y and t represents X. Now we calculate a new sequence containing the velocities:

let v_trapz = cumtrapz(a, t)
let v_simpson = cumsimpson(a, t)

echo "Velocity Trapz:   ", v_trapz
echo "Velocity Simpson: ", v_simpson
Velocity Trapz:   @[0.0, 1.25, 3.0, 5.25, 8.0, 11.25]
Velocity Simpson: @[0.0, 1.25, 3.0, 5.25, 8.0, 11.25]

As we can see both methods gave the same result, which makes sense because the data is linear so both methods could integrate it exactly. Let's now get the positions:

let p_trapz = cumtrapz(v_trapz, t)
let p_simpson = cumsimpson(v_simpson, t)

echo "Position Trapz:   ", p_trapz
echo "Position Simpson: ", p_simpson
Position Trapz:   @[0.0, 0.625, 2.75, 6.875, 13.5, 23.125]
Position Simpson: @[0.0, 0.583, 2.67, 6.75, 13.3, 22.917](Rounded values)

Now they are starting to differ from each outer. The rounded analytic solutions are:

@[0.0, 0.583, 6.75, 13.3, 22.917]

We see that simpson gets it spot on while trapz is a bit off. The velocity is a parabola so you can't exactly approximate it with a straight line as trapz does.

Optional parameters / API

You can pass some additional parameters to the functions if you don't want to play with the defaults. For now here are the procs:

proc trapz*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, xStart, xEnd: float, N = 500, optional: openArray[T] = @[]): T

proc trapz*[T](Y: openArray[T], X: openArray[float]): T

proc cumtrapz*[T](Y: openArray[T], X: openArray[float]): seq[T]

proc cumtrapz*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, X: openArray[float], optional: openArray[T] = @[], dx = 1e-5): seq[T]

proc simpson*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, xStart, xEnd: float, N = 500, optional: openArray[T] = @[]): T

proc simpson*[T](Y: openArray[T], X: openArray[float]): T

proc adaptiveSimpson*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, xStart, xEnd: float, tol = 1e-8, optional: openArray[T] = @[]): T

proc cumsimpson*[T](Y: openArray[T], X: openArray[float]): seq[T]

proc cumsimpson*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, X: openArray[float], optional: openArray[T] = @[], dx = 1e-5): seq[T]

proc romberg*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, xStart, xEnd: float, depth = 8, tol = 1e-8, optional: openArray[T] = @[]): T

proc romberg*[T](Y: openArray[T], X: openArray[float]): T

proc gaussQuad*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, xStart, xEnd: float, N = 100, nPoints = 7, optional: openArray[T] = @[]): T

proc adaptiveGauss*[T](f: proc(x: float, optional: seq[T]): T, xStart, xEnd: float, tol = 1e-8, optional: openArray[T] = @[]): T

If you don't understand what the "T" stands for, you can replace it with "float" in your head and read up on "Generics" in Nim.


Optimization methods

1 dimensional function optimization

So far only a few methods have been implemented:

One Dimensional optimization methods

  • steepest_descent - Standard method for local minimum finding over a 2D plane
  • conjugate_gradient - iterative implementation of solving Ax = b
  • newtons - Newton-Raphson implementation for 1-dimensional functions


Using default parameters the methods need 3 things: the function f(t, y) = y'(t, y), the initial values and the timepoints that you want the solution y(t) at.

Quick Tutorial

Say we have some differentiable function and we would like to find one of its roots

f = $\frac{1}{3}$x$^{3}$ - 2x$^{2}$ + 3x

$\frac{df}{dx}$ = x$^{2}$ - 4x + 3

If we translate this to code we get:

import math
import numericalnim

proc f(x:float64): float64 = (1.0 / 3.0) * x ^ 3 - 2 * x ^ 2 + 3 * x
proc df(x:float64): float64 = x ^ 2 - 4 * x + 3

now given a starting point (and optional precision) we can estimate a nearby root We know for this function our actual root is 0

import numericalnim
var start = 0.5
result = newtons(f, df, start)
echo result


Pretty close!


Natural Cubic Splines

Cubic splines are piecewise polynomials of degree 3 ie. it is defined differently on different intervals. It passes through all the supplied points and has a continuos derivative. To find which interval a certain x-value is in we use a binary search algorithm to find it instead of looping over all intervals one after another.


To create a cubic spline, you have to supply two seqs/arrays with floats: X which is the independent variable (the input) and Y which is the dependent (the output, the function value):

let X = [0.0, 0.5, 1.7, 2.0, 5.0]
let Y = [1.0, 3.5, -4.6, 0.1, 2.3]
let spline = newCubicSpline(X, Y)

Now the spline is saved in the variable spline and it can be evaluated in multiple (but under the hood the same) ways. The easiest way is to use the eval proc:

echo spline.eval(1.0)

This will print the value of the spline evaluated at x=1. If you want to use the spline as a function without having to supply the spline you can convert it to a proc:

let splineProc = spline.toProc()
echo splineProc(1.0)

You can also evaluate the derivative of the spline using derivEval, and you can turn the derivative into a proc as well:

echo spline.derivEval(1.0)
let derivProc = spline.toDerivProc()
echo derivProc(1.0)

This code will print the derivative of the spline at x=1.


I have included a few handy tools in numericalnim/utils.


Hurray! Yet another vector library! This was mostly done for my own use but I figured it could come in handy if one wanted to just throw something together. It's main purpose is to enable you to solve systems of ODEs using your own types (for example arbitrary precision numbers). The Vector type is just a glorified seq with operator overload. No vectorization (unless the compiler does it automatically) sadly. Maybe can get OpenMP to work (or you maybe you, dear reader, can fix it :wink). The following operators and procs are supported:

  • + : Addition between Vectors and floats.
  • - : Addition between Vectors and floats.
  • +=, -= : inplace addition and subtraction.
  • * : Vector-scalar multiplication or inner product between two Vectors.
  • / : Vector-scalar division.
  • *=, /= : inplace Vector-scalar multiplication and division.
  • *. : Elementwise multiplication between Vectors. (not nested Vectors)
  • /. : Elementwise multiplication between Vectors. (not nested Vectors)
  • *.=, /.= : inplace elementwise multiplication and division between Vectors. (not nested Vectors)
  • - : negation (-Vector).
  • dot : Same as * between Vectors. It is recursive so it will not be a matrix dot product if nested Vectors are used.
  • [] : Use v[i] to get the i:th element of the Vector.
  • == : Compares two Vectors to see if they are equal.
  • @ : Unpacks the Vector to (nested) seqs. Works with 1, 2 and 3 dimensional Vectors.
  • ^ : Element-wise exponentiation, works with natural and floating point powers, returns a new Vector object
  • norm : General vector norm function. norm(Vector, 2) is the Euclidean norm.

A Vector is created using the newVector proc and is passed an openArray of the elements:

var v1 = newVector([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
var v2 = newVector([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
echo v1 + v2
echo v1 /. v2
echo norm(v1)
Vector(@[5.0, 7.0, 9.0])
Vector(@[0.25, 0.4, 0.5])

linspace & arange

linspace and arange are convenient procs to generate ordered seq's of floats.


proc linspace*(x1, x2: float, N: int): seq[float]

linspace creates a seq of N evenly spaced points between two numbers x1 and x2.

echo linspace(0.0, 10.0, 11)
@[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]


proc arange*(x1, x2, dx: float, includeStart = true, includeEnd = false): seq[float]

arange creates a seq of float between x1 and x2 separated by dx. You can choose to include or exclude the start- and endpoint (unless the steps goes exactly to x2).

echo arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.5)
echo arange(0.0, 4.9, 0.5)
@[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0]
@[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5]


This is a hobby project of mine, so please keep that in mind. I have tried to cover most of the use-cases in the tests but there's always the risk that I have missed something. If you spot a bug (or something worse) please open an Issue. If you want to help improve this project I would very much appreciate it.

Arraymancer support: Most should work

If you want to use Arraymancer with NumericalNim, most should work but I haven't tested all of it yet.


  • Very much!
  • Comment and document code.
  • Add more ODE integrators.
  • Add more integration methods.
  • Make the existing code more efficient and robust.
  • Add parallelization of some kind to speed it up. Vector would probably benefit from it.
  • More optimization methods!
  • More interpolation methods (especially multivariate).


A collection of numerical methods written in Nim







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