"Load web" : OK,
About database, as we going to use SQL so which package should we choose? there are several such as
- sqlite3 https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3
- PostgreSQL https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres
- etc.
/* CLEAR */ Another maybe data structure? (<--- Important) Use sqlite3?.(Bank)
This may help... DB Browser for SQLite
I will update db_helper later
After you clear the database, as this is not complete, I recommend to clear the localStorage through your browser.
Find someway to open up the console (i.e. Window Google Chrome F12 botton) then run
> localStorage.clear()
<<< undefined (response)
you are done!
Please clone this and from this folder,
> npm install
> npm start
if any problem occur, please check whether node.js is installed
The packages which maybe useful to study right now are
"express": "^4.15.4",
"hbs": "~4.0.1",
"body-parser": "~1.17.1"
For the longlist, please take a look at package.JSON.
There is an easy way to build up this structure, using express generator
After you confirm the installation of node.js, run the following command
> npm install express-generator -g
then wait..........
Next, in my case, run
> express --view=hbs --hbs todolist
then follow the above commands.