Here is an attempt to explain the steps one can take to generate the results we have created:
1- Getting Trade-Offs from BMO MASTER file
Open the in a text editor
Change /Library/WebServer/Documents/E2BMO/CGI-Executables/ with appropriate address of your folder on your computer
Make sure BMO MASTER is in the filename at the beginning of
Open terminal in your computer,
write cd [location of your python code]
then write : python 'speed-accuracy trade-off' Noun
This creates a file named : speed-accuracy trade-off_trade_offs.txt -> rename it to speed-accuracy_trade_offs.txt
Repeat this for all the Trade-offs
2- Getting E2BMO
This step needs to be performed after getting all the txt files from step 2.
Open the in a text editor , change BMO MASTER with BMOSKOS_V3 file
In console write python ‘branch’ Function
This creates 2 files ‘branch_BiologicalText.txt’ and ‘branch_graph.csv’
Repeat this step for all the E2B words
3- Putting it all together - The website
Create a folder data/
Put all the files from step 1 and 2 into this folder
Put data/ folder in E2BMO/ folder
Put E2BMO/ folder on your server
Just use the link to E2BMO on your web browser to access the files.
Important notes: Note: am using JavaScript to access the files. This and google graphics for E2BMO need a server connection.
Note: to run python codes, one need to change folder addresses with appropriate ones.
Note : One needs python 3 coding language installed on their computer
Note: BMOMASTER and BMOSKOS_V3 are both XML_RDF format files exported from BMO in Protoge
Note: BMOSKOS_V3 is the SKOS added words to BMO
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