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Thomas F. Abraham edited this page Nov 8, 2017 · 1 revision

The Deployment Framework for BizTalk includes the following features:

  • Support for BizTalk 2004 through 2016 (BizTalk 2004 is supported by v4.x, BizTalk 2006 and 2006 R2 are supported up to v5.5, BizTalk 2009 is supported up to v5.6)
  • Automation of the entire BizTalk application deployment and updating processes
  • Full and Quick application update modes to reduce development cycle time
  • Detailed logging for informational and troubleshooting purposes
  • Visual Studio add-in provides menu and output window integration and IntelliSense
  • Support for deployment of various BizTalk artifacts including:
    • Messaging bindings
    • Orchestrations
    • Schemas
    • Maps
    • Pipelines
    • Custom components (DLL’s)
    • Custom pipeline components
    • Custom functoids
    • Rules and vocabularies
    • IIS virtual directories
    • Single Sign-On (SSO) applications
    • BAM activities and views
    • ESB Toolkit 2.x itineraries
  • Configuration settings infrastructure including user-friendly settings management spreadsheet and .NET object for settings access at runtime
  • SSO Settings Editor GUI for viewing and editing settings stored in SSO on the fly
  • Custom ESB Toolkit 2.x SSO Resolver that pulls settings data from SSO at runtime (settings data is centrally stored in settings mgmt. spreadsheet)
  • Templated bindings file that automatically targets multiple runtime environments
  • Enables use of un-encoded XML for easy maintenance of adapter and port configurations in binding files
  • Single deployment script serves both development workstations and production servers
  • Automated packaging of entire application into standard Windows Installer MSI file
  • Support for side-by-side deployment of multiple versions of a single application
  • Easily customizable installation wizard for server deployments
  • Deployment verification via NUnit unit test tool
  • Integrated deployment of Log4Net for runtime event logging
  • Automated configuration of FILE adapter directories and security
  • Automated configuration of BizTalk runtime settings including debugging features and .NET assembly-to-AppDomain mappings
  • Automated restart of one or more BizTalk host instances and IIS services
  • Automatic addition of cross-application references
  • Automatic deployment of debugging PDB files to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
  • Support for Windows x64
  • Full source code
  • Infinite extensibility through open-source license

Virtually all of these features may be selectively enabled or disabled, and easily customized to meet the particular requirements of your application.