BamCoverage: A efficient software tools to Calculate site depth of genome based bam/sam List
The newest version of this funtion was integrated into toolkit BamDeal ,please replace BamCoverage by this BamDeal.
./BamDeal statistics Coverage
- Install
Please replace BamCoverage with this toolkit BamDeal.
- Install
This software rely htslib,so should Pre-install htslib first samtools-1.5/htslib-1.5
Then Just [make] or [sh ] to compile this software.
the final software can be found in the Dir [bin/BamCoverage]
For linux /Unix and macOS
tar -zxvf BamCoverage-XXX.tar.gz cd BamCoverage-XXX; # if Link do not work ,Try re-install two library cd src; #【zlib and htslib】 and copy them to the library Dir make ; make clean # BamCoverage-XX/src/include/zlib ../bin/BamCoverage
- Example
- Calculate bam files
#To Calculate bam
./bin/BamCoverage -List bam.list -OutPut out.depth.fa.gz -MinQ -1
# To out Put the each chr meanDepth Coverage add [-Stat]
./bin/BamCoverage -List bam.list -OutPut out.depth.fa.gz -Stat
- Calculate sam files
# To cCalculate sam
./bin/BamCoverage -List sam.list -OutPut out.depth.fa.gz -Stat
# Also you the add the -MinQ to filter some reads
./bin/BamCoverage -List sam.list -OutPut out.depth.fa.gz -MinQ 10
- Calculate GC-Depth Dis Figure
# First Out Put the Depth-GC wig info with [-Ref Ref.fa]
./bin/BamCoverage -List bam.list -OutPut outFix -Ref Ref.fa -Stat
# Second To Plot the Figure
# Must PreInstall R with library ggplot2,gridExtra,ggExtra
perl bin/ outFix.DepthGC.wig.gz MaxDepth OutFig
- Introduction
- Parameter description
./BamDeal statistics Coverage
Usage: Coverage -List <bam.list> -OutPut <outFix>
-InList <str> Input Bam/Sam File List
-InFile <str> Input Bam/Sam File File[repeat]
-OutPut <str> OutPut File prefix
-Ref <str> In Ref.fa If Want Out Depth-GC wig info
-Windows <int> Windows size for Depth-GC wig[10000]
-Bed <str> Stat Coverage,MeanDepth for these bed Regions
-Stat Stat Coverage,MeanDepth & Depth Dis of whole-genome
-MinQ <int> Filter the read low mapQ[10]
-help Show this help [hewm2008 v1.30]
- Results
Format Introduction
- email: [email protected] / [email protected]
- join the QQ Group : 125293663
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