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A Nextflow pipeline for running the ARTIC network's fieldbioinformatics tools (, with a focus on monkeypox virus (mpxv).

push master


This pipeline is based on the BCCDC-PHL/ncov2019-artic-nf pipeline, which is a fork of the connor-lab/ncov2019-artic-nf pipeline. It has been modified to support analysis of monkeypox virus.

flowchart TD
  fastq --> normalizeDepth(normalizeDepth)
  composite_ref --> performHostFilter
  normalizeDepth(normalizeDepth) --> performHostFilter(performHostFilter) 
  performHostFilter(performHostFilter) --> readTrimming(readTrimming)
  readTrimming(readTrimming) --> filterResidualAdapters(filterResidualAdapters)
  filterResidualAdapters --> readMapping(readMapping)
  ref --> readMapping(readMapping)
  readMapping(readMapping) --> trimPrimerSequences(trimPrimerSequences)
  primers --> trimPrimerSequences(trimPrimerSequences)
  trimPrimerSequences(trimPrimerSequences) --> callConsensusFreebayes(callConsensusFreebayes)
  callConsensusFreebayes(callConsensusFreebayes) --> alignConsensusToReference(alignConsensusToReference)
  ref --> alignConsensusToReference
  alignConsensusToReference --> consensusAlignment[consensus.aln.fa]
  trimPrimerSequences --> makeQCCSV(makeQCCSV)
  callConsensusFreebayes --> makeQCCSV
  callConsensusFreebayes --> consensus[consensus.fa]
  callConsensusFreebayes --> variants[variants.vcf]
  ref --> makeQCCSV
  primers --> makeQCCSV
  primer_pairs --> makeQCCSV
  makeQCCSV --> qcCSV(qc.csv)
  makeQCCSV --> depthPNG(depth.png)


nextflow run BCCDC-PHL/mpxv-artic-nf -profile conda \
  --prefix "output_file_prefix" \
  --bed /path/to/primers.bed \
  --ref /path/to/ref.fa \
  --primer_pairs_tsv /path/to/primer_pairs_tsv \
  --composite_ref /path/to/human_and_mpxv_composite_ref \
  --directory /path/to/reads \
  --outdir /path/to/outputs


An up-to-date version of Nextflow is required because the pipeline is written in DSL2. Following the instructions at to download and install Nextflow should get you a recent-enough version.


The repo contains a environment.yml files which automatically build the correct conda env if -profile conda is specifed in the command. Although you'll need conda installed, this is probably the easiest way to run this pipeline.

--cache /some/dir can be specified to have a fixed, shared location to store the conda build for use by multiple runs of the workflow.


Important config options are:

Option Default Description
normalizationTargetDepth 200 Target depth of coverage to normalize to prior to alignment
normalizationMinDepth 5 Minimum depth of coverage to normalize to prior to alignment
keepLen 50 Length of reads to keep after primer trimming
qualThreshold 20 Sliding window quality threshold for keeping reads after primer trimming
varMinFreqThreshold 0.25 Allele frequency threshold for ambiguous variant
varFreqThreshold 0.75 Allele frequency threshold for unambiguous variant
varMinDepth 10 Minimum coverage depth to call variant

Depth Normalization

By default, sequence depth will be normalized using bbnorm to the value specified by the --normalizationTargetDepth param (default: 200). To skip depth normalization, add the --skip_normalize_depth flag.


A script to do some basic QC is provided in bin/ It measures the % of reference bases are covered by varMinDepth, and the longest stretch of consensus sequence with no N bases. This script does not make a QC pass/fail call.


A subdirectory for each process in the workflow is created in --outdir. A nml_upload subdirectory containing dehosted fastq files and consensus sequences is included.