See CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.4.md for details.
- 0e9dc17 changelog: add changelog 1.4.0 (#1134)
- 098a4e0 update annotations versions and helm values doc (#1135)
- 5b52237 fix: upgrade fail if security context is missing (#1133)
- d64276a helm: update values file (#1132)
- ee7d072 e2e: add test for case where an empty secret is populated later (#1131)
- 38cd695 fix: generate default listener with private ip when specified in helm (#1125)
- 3fedb57 helm: optional host mounts with ability to run pod as non-root (#1130) [ zure/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress#1113 ]
- f2d1ef7 test: add test for helm template rendering (#1127)
- 16937d9 config: remove tag LastUpdatedByK8sIngress as this causes diff in generated config (#1123)
- 7c479aa e2e: test case for health probe annotations (#1117)
See More
- 72a53e3 debug: add a unique agic identifier suffix to ARM user agent (#1082)
- 5de47a0 fix: refactor backend http setting port resolution (#1090)
- 5a5a576 docs: add 'supported since' col in annotation table (#1106)
- 50dd571 Update CHANGELOG-1.3.md (#1087)
- a9df93c feat: add support for custom annotations (#1084)
- c2442c1 log: change from glog to klog (#1081)
- 1400bf2 debugging: print ARM operation ID to improve debugging (#1080)
- 183869d link fixed (#1079)
- 2872ebe docs: change 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#1077)
- a6c9a54 docs: parameters fix (#1078)
- 4b836fb docs: ingressClass (#1076)
- 029e76f Small adjustment in the values.yaml template to generate the artifact correctly (#1073)
- 8c7409e Added support for tolerations and affinities (#1055) (#1064)
- c5acc33 fix: update ingressSecretMap even when secret is malformed (#1070)
- c2a12b9 helm: Moved RBAC from v1beta1 to v1
- 6bc8764 annotations: Expands list of health-probe related ingress annotations (#1062)
- deb2acc Update helm-values-documenation.md (#1068)
- 070c742 Fix typo in helm values documentation
- 05f4ed1 [doc] annotation override-frontend-port usage (#1061)
- 504c948 changelog: add changelog for 1.3 (#1051)
- d5d5382 add docs for nightly (#1050)
- 7cb3b3e add a nightly release badge (#1049)
This list of changes was auto generated.