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Releases: Ayfri/PIXI-Kotlin


30 Oct 15:06
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Latest release for PIXI v6!

Hey the latest release for v6 is out, as v7.0.0 is out since a few days, we shouldn't get any new v6 release, I'll start working toward supporting v7 as soon as I can !

Breaking changes

Points are now immutable to better follow the Kotlin guidelines and use Points in a more logical way.

// before
val point = Point(4, 7)
point / 2 // looks weird but is the way to use them in prior releases
println(point.y) // 4

// now
val point = Point(4, 7).div(2).rounded()
println(point.y) // 4

This release also adds support for the new optional @pixi/assets package.


  • !refactor: Points are now immutable with operator functions, add a lot of useful functions on Point & ObservablePoint. (b19b0b1)
  • chore: Update To Kotlin 1.7.20. (acd2170)
  • chore: Update dependencies. (692a3f8) (6be8873)
  • chore: Update yarn to 1.22.19. (9a51cc4)
  • feat: Add assets package. (2b905c2) (faf59ce)
  • feat: Add rectangle builder. (639a370)
  • feat: Update README. (c74f7fc)
  • feat: Update other packages to pixi 6.5.0. (82c8927)
  • feat: Update to PIXI 6.5.8. (82c8927) (1e24018) (7c946f8) (05ae348)
  • fix: Fix and simplify events for Container. (f44c7b7)
  • fix: Fix typing of ObservablePoint<T>.clone() to return ObservablePoint<T>. (d43f1b6)
  • test: Add test on immutable points. (02833f7)


06 Aug 14:59
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The new release that supports 6.4.2 is finally out !

It took a long time because I was miss-setting the Kotlin version for the project, I changed how it is managed and it should not happen again not, I promise !

It also adds some utility functions and the missing VERSION property, you can now know what version of Pixi you use programmatically :)


  • chore: Remove unused kotlin opt-in. (a57c22b)
  • chore: Update Kotlin to 1.7.10, update dependencies. (a505ba5) (0e9628a) (013c535) (0d76ed1)
  • chore: Update Gradle to 7.5.1. (a716404)
  • chore: Update Pixi to 6.4.2. (0598398)
  • feat: Add missing VERSION property. (43c8ada)
  • feat: Add more Color utils. (676e195)
  • feat: Add observablePoint builders. (2932d83)
  • feat: Add useful properties to Rectangle class. (edac1fb)
  • refactor: Remove unused classes, unnecessary assign methods, fix Rectangle.unaryMinus. (93908d6)
  • refactor: Replace forEach loops with unused parameter to repeat function. (713fd41)
  • refactor: Use to define one version of Kotlin for entire project.(013c535)
  • refactor: Use require instead of throwing, clean some code. (c136c06)
  • test: Use an object for tests so init is called once. (43c8ada)


06 May 14:10
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Release 0.5.0 is finally there !

This took quite a long time because I split the main package into several packages and was struggling to publish them all at once to Nexus.
Now that I know how to publish to Nexus, next releases will be published more frequently.

There are now these packages:
- PIXI : io.github.ayfri:PIXI-Kotlin-pixi
- Basis : io.github.ayfri:PIXI-Kotlin-basis
- Events : io.github.ayfri:PIXI-Kotlin-events
- Graphics-Extras : io.github.ayfri:PIXI-Kotlin-graphics-extras
- Math-Extras : io.github.ayfri:PIXI-Kotlin-math-extras
- Unsafe-Eval : io.github.ayfri:PIXI-Kotlin-unsafe-eval

The old main package will never be updated anymore.

To use PIXI-Kotlin like before, import all the packages, but you'll probably need just the PIXI package.
For version 0.6.0 all the main package will be split according to the PIXI packages from npm.
This will let me add external 3rd party libraries to PIXI-Kotlin.

All dependencies used by this project are now configured using api() instead of implementation() so they are no longer included when you use PIXI-Kotlin.


  • chore: Move versions to buildSrc and add build scripts. (86acf5b)
  • chore: Update dependencies, update Kotlin to 1.6.21. (82bbbfb, fbdb9e6, 7e77fce)
  • chore: Update gradle to 7.4.2. (2049b9e)
  • chore: Upgrade version to 0.5.0. (fc35873)
  • chore: Use api instead of implementation. (1213b0f)
  • chore: Use custom yarn version. (a82cabd)
  • feat!: Split main package into multiple ones, packages folder containing optional Pixi packages according to package.json. (906d1e2)
  • feat: Add more builders. (c619786)
  • feat: Upgrade pixi to 6.3.1. (a62fc08)
  • fix: Simplify gradle tasks. (e5aa9a4)
  • refactor!: Rename Application builder to application. (0e3f2f6)


27 Mar 13:58
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This release fixes a bunch of typings, updates PIXI and adds some helper methods/properties.


  • chore: Upgrade PIXI to 6.3.0. (dfa5743)
  • feat: Add Int.Companion color utils. (e2634f2)
  • feat: Add Rectangle.companion utils. (b914a1e)
  • fix: Fix IDestroyOptions being immutable. (fb817b9)
  • fix: Fix Ticker typings. (60a6047)
  • refactor: Rectangle & IPointData extension now uses Number instead of Double. (c6bf08a)
  • refactor: Use unsafeCast instead of traditionnal casts. (90efef7)
  • test: Add test for generated textures. (0eb6b01)


04 Mar 12:50
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This release brings typings to more PIXI optional packages. Later, the project will be split into multiple dependencies, which will be released separately.
This will let us add typings to 3rd party packages without adding unnecessary dependency size.


  • feat: Add @pixi/basis typings. (c4388f6)
  • feat: Add @pixi/graphics-extra typings. (b869637)
  • feat: Add @pixi/math-extras typings. (2ba873c)
  • feat: Add @pixi/unsafe-eval typings. (c8867c4)
  • feat: Add IPointData conversions. (3aea4e9)
  • feat: Add position to MouseManager. (b04faa3)
  • fix: Fix WebGL typings. (9f66660)
  • fix: Fix some property names of Renderer. (1acb5c5)
  • refactor: Move filters modules to filters package. (796207a)
  • refactor: Put PIXI version in Project object. (b3d6cdd)


26 Feb 15:53
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This release fixes KeyboardManager, KeyMap and adds onKeep event to both.


  • feat: Add onKeep method to KeyboardManager & KeyMap. (c44f2f1)
  • fix: Fix KeyboardManager & KeyMap not working. (d27b9d9)


17 Feb 16:03
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This release fixes some problems I introduced in 0.2.0, I should really test more my code before publishing :')


  • feat: Add methods to add Application to elements. (967ef25)
  • fix: Fix ColorArr.toColor. (9065999)
  • fix: Fix KeyboardManager & KeyMap not initialising. (69ca536)
  • fix: Fix examples. (8656c94)
  • fix: Fix generateBlankTexture not working. (3c24f68)
  • fix: Fix MouseManager not initialising. (ecf642f)
  • refactor: Use IPointData for external methods instead of IPoint. (afcb633)
  • refactor: Use IPointData instead of IPoint in Rectangle, support MouseEvent for in operator. (d2ef1f8)

Commits: 0.2.0...0.2.1


17 Feb 14:36
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This release adds a lot of simple helpers, extension methods, getters/setters etc.
There are now functional examples, typings to @pixi/events, typings for some events.
There are also classes for handling keyboard inputs, keymaps and mouse inputs.


  • feat: Add @pixi/events typings. (c053fe9)
  • feat: Add KeyboardManager. (306d875)
  • feat: Add MouseManager. (e833373)
  • feat: Add generateBlankTexture function. (2850067)
  • feat: Add hitBox getter for Sprite. (0d0e1f1)
  • feat: Add color helpers. (174f45f)
  • feat: Add events types to AbstractRenderer & Renderer. (687a6a5)
  • feat: Add events types to BaseTexture, BaseRenderTexture & Texture. (6f04dc0)
  • feat: Add events types to DisplayObject, Container & Sprite. (c053fe9)
  • feat: Add events types to InteractionManager. (b13cc27)
  • feat: Add examples to README. (1f5b880)
  • feat: Add extension members for IPoint & Rectangle. (79c89fb)
  • feat: Add more functions & getters to Colors. (6107c27)
  • feat: Add more practical callbacks to Ticker & Loader. (6107c27)
  • refactor: Better architecture of folders. (e8408a5)
  • refactor: Don't run test on CI, don't use daemons for actions. (3a769ae)
  • refactor: Move tests to other directory, add tests dependencies. (417f2ec)
  • refactor: Remove Number typealias to Double, use Double/Int/Short. (16aec32)

Commits: 0.1.1...0.2.0

First release !

13 Feb 03:25
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This is the first official release of PIXI-Kotlin !

Finally build scripts are working :)

Thanks to @maxonline, @turansky for contributing to this repo !

I'll later add a few more builders, helpers and maybe fix some types, like using a typealias Number everywhere instead of real numbers types. Do not hesitate to create an issue if any types are wrong.

Full List of commits: