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✨ Dotfiles

These are my configuration files also known as dotfiles.


This setup is specific for Hyprland. Dont install it if you don't know what you're doing.

📸 Screenshots


The main branch is experimental, as I'm always making changes.

Please refer to the stable branch if you want to use it.


git clone
cd Dotfiles

This will execute the installation wizard.


This packages are needed to fully use the config and will be installed if you choose the option in script:

Also it will install yay, but you can skip the installation and use any AUR helper you want and install them manually.

💥 Rofi

App Launcher SUPER + R
Power Menu SUPER + Esc Emoji SUPER + .

Wallpaper Changer SUPER + , Tmux Session Manager SUPER + T
Sound Manager SUPER + V Notes SUPER + N
To-Do SUPER + Q Bluetooth SUPER + B
Networks SUPER + D Keepmenu SUPER + U

Calendar SUPER + I Screenshot & Recording SUPER + S

⌨️ Keybindings


Keys Action
SUPER + C Close window
SUPER + SHIFT + Esc Exit Hyprland
SUPER + SHIFT + B Toggle Waybar
SUPER + ALT + B Restart Waybar
SUPER + Space Toggle tiled/floating
SUPER + P Toggle pseudo-tiling
SUPER + SHIFT + D Toggle split
SUPER + F Fullscreen
SUPER + SHIFT + F Fake Fullscreen
SUPER + CTRL + F Maximize
SUPER + Y Pin window
SUPER + G Center window
SUPER + Arrows or H,J,K,L Move window focus
SUPER + SHIFT + Arrows or H,J,K,L Move tiled window
SUPER + CTRL + Arrows or H,J,K,L Resize window
SUPER + ALT + Arrows or H,J,K,L Move floating window
SUPER + [1-9][0] Change workspace [1-10]
SUPER + SHIFT + [1-9][0] Move window to workspace [1-10]
SUPER + Z Go to previous workspace
SUPER + Scroll Down
Go to previous active workspace
SUPER + X Go to next workspace
SUPER + Scroll Up
Go to next active workspace
SUPER + Left Click Drag window
SUPER + Right Click Drag resize window


Keys Action
SUPER + RETURN Open Kitty terminal
SUPER + SHIFT + RETURN Open floating Kitty terminal
SUPER + ALT + RETURN Open Kitty with slurp
SUPER + E File explorer
SUPER + SHIFT + E Floating file explorer
SUPER + W Firefox
SUPER + SHIFT + W Private Firefox
Print Save and copy screenshot
SHIFT + Print Copy screenshot
SUPER + SHIFT + S Copy area screenshot
SUPER + D Toggle Dashboard
SUPER + A Talk with Alpha
SUPER + , Select wallpaper
SUPER + SHIFT + B Reload bar CSS
SUPER + ALT + B Restart bar



PREFIX is set to CTRL + Space

Keys Action
PREFIX + c Create window
SHIFT + ALT + H,L Navigate windows
PREFIX + [1-9] Change to window from 1 to 9
PREFIX + & Kill window
PREFIX + / Vertical split
PREFIX + - Horizontal split
CTRL + H,J,K,L Navigate panes
PREFIX + { or } Swap pane position
PREFIX + q Go to pane pressing a number
PREFIX + x Kill pane
PREFIX + s List sessions
PREFIX + w List windows
PREFIX + [ Yank mode (copy)
v Start selection
CTRL + v Toggle rectangle/line selection
y Yank selection

🌐 Browser Theme


I'm currently using Floorp, a Firefox ESR fork with a sidebar and a lot of customization options.

I tweaked some details with CSS and used Firefox Color to recolor it.

Click here to get my theme!

Click here to get my old theme.


If you want, you can use my custom CSS. An automated script for this is included in the root folder of this repository as You will also be asked if you want to use my config when running


I made a custom theme that you can use on any Chromium based browser. You have to add it via developer mode on your extensions settings. I really like Brave, but you can use it on every Chromium browser (except Opera for some reason).

Please consider giving me a tip. :)
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🪙 BTC: 16BTDDEmE2D98YPePt6VAvsC4s9xrVLpk4