Software Development Engineer in Test API Assignment
To Run This test suite please ensure the following:
- Hardcode the data members 'channel_name' and 'isArchivedChannel' in the Class: Testbase to unique values that have not been used earlier.
- Hardcode the data members 'temp' and 'RenameChannelsname' in the Class: RenamechannelsTest to unique values that have not been used earlier.
- Hardcode the data members 'name_with_legal_special_charecter' in the Class: CreateChannelsTest to unique values that have not been used earlier.
- Hardcode the data members 'name_with_legal_special_charecter_join' in the Class: JoinChannelsTest to unique values that have not been used earlier.
Steps to Run the Test Suite:
- Clone the project on to your local system
- Right-Click on the file testng.xml and execute the 'Run' command from there OR run using maven command on terminal.
Structure Of this TestSuite:-
All the Api's testcases are written in TestCases Packages with there respective Api Test classes.
Basically there are 4 Test Class Name as :-
Note:- Please ensure that the above said changes are done correctly, as the failure or success of testcases depends on these changes.