Test Automation Framework using selenium and Python with the below features:
- Framework is based on page object model.
- Reporting using Allure report.
- Reading locators from JSON file.
- Reading test data from JSON file.
- Integrated with TestRail to update test cases status after each run.
- Framework can integrate with CodeShip.
- Install the depended packages in
usingpip install -r requirements.txt
In order to create a new test case using the Framework, you have to follow the below steps:
In locators module, create a new locator for the element you would like to use, as below:
[{ "pageName": "HomePage", "name": "link_login", "locateUsing": "xpath", "locator": "//a[contains(text(),'Log In')]" }]
In test data module, add the test data needed for your test case, as below:
{ "environment": "https://learn.letskodeit.com/", "browser": "firefox", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "abcabc" }
If the element exist in more than one page (Navigation element), use navigation module to create a script for that navigation bar and add your navigation action to that element, as below:
def goToLoginPage(self): self.elementClick(*self.locator(self.homePage_locators, 'link_login'))
If the element exists in only one page, go to page module and create a new script for that page e.g:
and add all the actions in that page, as below:def login(self, email, password): self.sendKeys(email, *self.locator(self.loginPage_locators, 'input_email')) self.sendKeys(password, *self.locator(self.loginPage_locators, 'input_password')) self.elementClick(*self.locator(self.loginPage_locators, 'btn_login'))
Then, in test module, create a new script for your test case(s) e.g:
and add your test case, as below:@allure.story('epic_1') # story of the test case @allure.severity(allure.severity_level.MINOR) # severity of the test case @pytestrail.case('C48') # test case id on test rail def test_login_successfully(self): with allure.step('Navigate to login page'): # name of the test step self.homeNavigation.goToLoginPage() self.ts.markFinal(self.loginPage.isAt, "navigation to login page failed") # check if the navigation to login page occurs successfully with allure.step('Login'): # name of the test step self.loginPage.login(email=td.testData("email"), password=td.testData("password")) self.ts.markFinal(self.dashboardPage.isAt, "login failed") # check if login successfully
- use
@allure.story('[epic name]')
decorator before each test case to define the related epic / story. - use
decorator before each test case to define the severity of the test case Minor/Major/Critical/Blocker. - use
@pytestrail.case('[test case id on testrail]')
decorator before each test case to defione the related test case id on test rail to make the script update run status on test rail.
In order to run the test case after creation, use on of the below commands:
- To run the test case and create allure report but without update the status run on TestRail:
py.test --alluredir=allure_report tests/test_login.py
allure serve allure_report
- To run the test case, create allure report and update the status of run on TestRail:
py.test --alluredir=allure_report tests/test_login.py --testrail
allure serve allure_report
- There are other options of run that you can search for them, as running all the test cases for specific epic/story or with specific severity
In order to setup the integration with TestRail, edit testrail.cfg
with your testrail domain and credentials, as below:
url = https://[your testrail domain].testrail.io
email = [testrail email]
password = [testrail password]
project_id = [project id]