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pip install log-distance-measures
Python package with the implementation of different distance measures between two event logs, from the control-flow, temporal, and queuing perspectives:
- Control-flow
- N-Gram Distribution Distance
- Control-Flow Log Distance (CFLD)
- Temporal
- Absolute Event Distribution Distance
- Case Arrival Distribution Distance
- Circadian Event Distribution Distance
- Relative Event Distribution Distance
- Cycle Time Distribution Distance
import pandas as pd
from log_distance_measures.config import EventLogIDs
# Set event log column ID mapping
event_log_ids = EventLogIDs( # These values are stored in DEFAULT_CSV_IDS
# Read and transform time attributes
event_log = pd.read_csv("/path/to/event_log.csv")
event_log[event_log_ids.start_time] = pd.to_datetime(event_log[event_log_ids.start_time], utc=True)
event_log[event_log_ids.end_time] = pd.to_datetime(event_log[event_log_ids.end_time], utc=True)
Distance measure between two event logs with the same number of traces (L1 and L2) comparing the control-flow dimension (see "Camargo M, Dumas M, González-Rojas O. 2021. Discovering generative models from event logs: data-driven simulation vs deep learning. PeerJ Computer Science 7:e577" for a detailed description of a similarity version of this measure).
- Transform each process trace of L1 and L2 to their corresponding activity sequence.
- Compute the Damerau-Levenshtein distance between each trace i from L1 and each trace j of L2, and normalize it by dividing by the length of the longest trace.
- Compute the matching between the traces of both logs (such that each i is matched to a different j, and vice versa) minimizing the sum of distances with linear programming.
- Compute the CFLD as the average of the normalized distance values.
from log_distance_measures.config import DEFAULT_CSV_IDS
from log_distance_measures.control_flow_log_distance import control_flow_log_distance
# Call passing the event logs, and its column ID mappings
distance = control_flow_log_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
Distance measure between two event logs computing the difference in the frequencies of the n-grams observed in the event logs (
being the n-grams of an event log all the groups of n
consecutive elements observed in it).
- Given a size
, get all sequences ofn
activities (n-gram) observed in each event log (adding artificial activities to the start and end of each trace to consider these as well, e.g.,0 - 0 - A
for a trace starting withA
and ann = 3
). - Compute the number of times that each n-gram is observed in each event log (its frequency).
- Compute the sum of absolute differences between the frequencies of all computed n-grams (e.g. the frequency of
A - B - C
in the first event log w.r.t. its frequency in the second event log).
from log_distance_measures.config import DEFAULT_CSV_IDS
from log_distance_measures.n_gram_distribution import n_gram_distribution_distance
# Call passing the event logs, and its column ID mappings
distance = n_gram_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
n=3 # trigrams
Distance measure computing how different the histograms of the timestamps of two event logs are, discretizing the timestamps by absolute hour.
- Take all the start timestamps, the end timestamps, or both.
- Discretize the timestamps by absolute hour (those timestamps between
02/05/2022 10:00:00
and02/05/2022 10:59:59
go to the same bin). - Compare the discretized histograms of the two event logs with the Wasserstein Distance (a.k.a. EMD).
from log_distance_measures.absolute_event_distribution import absolute_event_distribution_distance
from log_distance_measures.config import AbsoluteTimestampType, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, discretize_to_hour
# Call passing the event logs, its column ID mappings, timestamp type, and discretize function
distance = absolute_event_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
discretize_type=AbsoluteTimestampType.BOTH, # Type of timestamp distribution (consider start times and/or end times)
discretize_event=discretize_to_hour # Function to discretize the absolute seconds of each timestamp (default by hour)
This EMD measure can be also used to compare the distribution of the start timestamps (with AbsoluteHourEmdType.START
), or the end
timestamps (with AbsoluteHourEmdType.END
), instead of both of them.
Furthermore, the binning is performed to hour by default, but it can be customized passing another function discretize the total amount of seconds to its bin.
import math
from log_distance_measures.absolute_event_distribution import absolute_event_distribution_distance
from log_distance_measures.config import AbsoluteTimestampType, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, discretize_to_day
# EMD of the (END) timestamps distribution where each bin represents a day
distance = absolute_event_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS,
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS,
# EMD of the timestamps distribution where each bin represents a week
distance = absolute_event_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS,
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS,
discretize_event=lambda seconds: math.floor(seconds / 3600 / 24 / 7)
Distance measure computing how different the discretized histograms of the arrival events of two event logs are.
- Compute the arrival timestamp for each process case (its first start time).
- Discretize the timestamps by absolute hour (those timestamps between
02/05/2022 10:00:00
and02/05/2022 10:59:59
go to the same bin). - Compare the discretized histograms of the two event logs with the Wasserstein Distance (a.k.a. EMD).
from log_distance_measures.case_arrival_distribution import case_arrival_distribution_distance
from log_distance_measures.config import DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, discretize_to_hour
distance = case_arrival_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
discretize_event=discretize_to_hour # Function to discretize each timestamp (default by hour)
Distance measure computing how different the histograms of the timestamps of two event logs are, comparing all the instants recorded in the same weekday together, and discretizing them to the hour in the day.
- Take all the start timestamps, the end timestamps, or both.
- Group the timestamps by their weekday (e.g. all the timestamps recorded on Monday of one log are going to be compared with the timestamps recorded on Monday of the other event log).
- Discretize the timestamps to their hour (those timestamps between '10:00:00' and '10:59:59' go to the same bin).
- Compare the histograms of the two event logs for each weekday (with the Wasserstein Distance, a.k.a. EMD), and compute the average.
Extra 1: If there are no recorded timestamps for one of the weekdays in both logs, no distance is measured for that day. Extra 2: If there are no recorded timestamps for one of the weekdays in one of the logs, the distance for that day is set to 23 (the maximum distance for two histograms with values from 0 to 23)
from log_distance_measures.circadian_event_distribution import circadian_event_distribution_distance
from log_distance_measures.config import AbsoluteTimestampType, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS
distance = circadian_event_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
discretize_type=AbsoluteTimestampType.BOTH # Consider both start/end timestamps of each activity instance
Similarly than with the Absolute Event Distribution Distance, the Circadian Event Distribution Distance can be also used to compare the
distribution of the start timestamps (with AbsoluteHourEmdType.START
), or the end timestamps (with AbsoluteHourEmdType.END
), instead of
both of them.
Distance measure computing how different the histograms of the relative (w.r.t. the start of each case) timestamps of two event logs are, discretizing the timestamps by absolute hour.
- Take all the start timestamps, the end timestamps, or both.
- Make them relative w.r.t. the start of their process case (e.g. the first timestamp in a case is 0, the second one is the time itnerval from the first one).
- Discretize the durations by hour (e.g. those durations between
go to the same bin). - Compare the discretized histograms of the two event logs with the Wasserstein Distance (a.k.a. EMD).
from log_distance_measures.config import AbsoluteTimestampType, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, discretize_to_hour
from log_distance_measures.relative_event_distribution import relative_event_distribution_distance
# Call passing the event logs, its column ID mappings, timestamp type, and discretize function
distance = relative_event_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
discretize_type=AbsoluteTimestampType.BOTH, # Type of timestamp distribution (consider start times and/or end times)
discretize_event=discretize_to_hour # Function to discretize the absolute seconds of each timestamp (default by hour)
Similarly than with the Absolute Event Distribution Distance, the Relative Event Distribution Distance can be also used to compare the
distribution of the start timestamps (with AbsoluteHourEmdType.START
), or the end timestamps (with AbsoluteHourEmdType.END
), instead of
both of them.
Distance measure computing how different the histograms of the number of active cases (computing the average active cases per window) of two event logs are.
- Build a timeline with a bin for each hour since the beginning to the end of both logs.
- Compute, for each bin, the average number of active cases (e.g. 4 and a half active cases in the window from
01/01/2023 10:00:00
to01/01/2023 10:59:59
). - Compare the histograms of the two event logs with the Wasserstein Distance (a.k.a. EMD).
import pandas as pd
from log_distance_measures.config import DEFAULT_CSV_IDS
from log_distance_measures.work_in_progress import work_in_progress_distance
# Call passing the event logs, its column ID mappings, timestamp type, and discretize function
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
window_size=pd.Timedelta(hours=1) # Bins of 1 hour
Distance measure computing how different the cycle time discretized histograms of two event logs are.
- Compute the cycle time of each process instance.
- Group the cycle times in bins by a given bin size (time gap).
- Compare the discretized histograms of the two event logs with the Wasserstein Distance (a.k.a. EMD).
import pandas as pd
from log_distance_measures.config import DEFAULT_CSV_IDS
from log_distance_measures.cycle_time_distribution import cycle_time_distribution_distance
distance = cycle_time_distribution_distance(
original_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # First event log and its column id mappings
simulated_log, DEFAULT_CSV_IDS, # Second event log and its column id mappings
bin_size=pd.Timedelta(hours=1) # Bins of 1 hour