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hv9191 edited this page Jul 15, 2015 · 5 revisions

#Welcome to the DriveAI wiki content

###Some introductory resources

Although autonomous driving is a large and rapidly growing field, it's probably useful to start out with some 'winning' prior art.

###Historical materials

2005 DARPA Grand Challenge race

PBS Documentary 'The Great Robot Race'

###Technical materials on 'Stanley' and related systems (the 'Thrun' school of thought)

'Stanley' the autonomous car, from Stanford AI group

Original Stanford web pages for Stanley including tech stuff

Sebastian Thrun's technical papers and related on Stanley

'Three Layer Architecture' used in Stanley software system

Eran Gatt Three Layer Architecture paper

###Software available for development and test

Stanford Driving Software (on sourceForge, beware!!!)

Openhub analysis of Stanford Driving Software

###Autonomous planning systems for automobiles

Autonomous Path Planning (Thrun et al)

On Road planning for autonomous vehicles

###LAGR Related

The LAGR platform is was used in LAGR program as a common platform for test and demonstration of autonomous systems applied to ground robots.

Learning Applied to Ground Robots (LAGR)

The modern parents of Deep Learning were/are actively involved in LAGR software development;

NYU/LeCun CNN work with LAGR platform

The 'Dave' System

###Sensors and related fusion

Stereolabs Zed stereo camera for 3D vision

'robopeak' inexpensive LIDAR platform


How Google self driving car works

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