An android library
- Both vertically and horizontally scrollable
- Adjustable numbers of docked/fixed rows and columns
- Ability to add rows that fill the width of the parent so that they look like headers and make the table look like it has multiple sub-tables within
- Shadows under the horizontal docked area and vertical docked area
- Ability to disable and enable all of the above
- Recycling of views
Note that this is added inside allprojects
, not inside buildscript
allprojects {
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'thiha.aung.fancytable:fancytable:1.0.1'
You can create as many view types as you want. For the purpose of demonstration, there are only 2 view types in this example. Using ViewHolder(s) is also recommended.
class SampleAdapter : BaseFancyTableAdapter() {
override fun getRowCount() = 20
override fun getColumnCount() = 20
override fun getDockedRowCount() = 2
override fun getDockedColumnCount() = 2
override fun isRowOneColumn(row: Int): Boolean {
return if (row == 5) true else false
override fun isRowShadowShown() = true
override fun isColumnShadowShown() = false
override fun getView(row: Int, column: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup): View {
return when (getItemViewType(row, column)) {
getNormalView(row, column, convertView, parent)
getSpecialView(row, column, convertView, parent)
else -> throw RuntimeException("There is no view type for table view. Row: $row, Column: $column")
private fun getSpecialView(row: Int, column: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup): View {
TODO("implement creating special view here")
private fun getNormalView(row: Int, column: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup): View {
TODO("implement creating normal view here")
override fun getWidth(column: Int) = 20 // width in pixel
override fun getHeight(row: Int) = 20 // height in pixel
override fun getItemViewType(row: Int, column: Int)
= if (row == 0) TYPE_SPECIAL else TYPE_NORMAL
override fun getViewTypeCount() = 2
companion object {
const val TYPE_NORMAL = 0
const val TYPE_SPECIAL = 1
fancyTable.adapter = SampleAdapter()
The library is written based on TableFixHeaders