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Open manipulator application pacakges.
2019 R-BIZ ROBOTIS Open Manipulator Challenge.
Auturbo team potman

HW Block Diagram

SW Block Diagram

Environment Setting

PC Setting manipulator setting

1.D435 realsense package install

2.JSK package install

$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-jsk-recognition
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-jsk-topic-tools
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-libsiftfast
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-laser-assembler
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octomap-server
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-nodelet
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-depth-image-proc
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ catkin_ws && catkin_make

3. Download this repository code

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone --recursive
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ catkin_ws && catkin_make

First Phone Setting to voicecommand

You install the below application to phone.

Second Phone Setting to facetracking

You install the below two applications to phone.
The facetracker.apk performs face detection and broadcasts the recognized face coordinates to the android_pubFaceTracker-debug.apk .
The android_pubFaceTracker-debug.apk performs ros android.
The android_pubFaceTracker-debug.apk send face detection data to ROS PC by wifi.


PC Run

roslaunch open_manipulator_controller open_manipulator_controller.launch
roslaunch open_manipulator_potman yolo_jsk_pose.launch camera_model:=realsense_d435
roslaunch open_manipulator_potman potman.launch
roslaunch open_manipulator_potman key_command.launch

First Phone Run to voicecommand

Step1. click icon of android_pubCommandVoice-debug.apk. Step2. Enter ip address of PC's ROS core. and Press connection button.

Step3. And you can control the operation of the open manipulator by voice or button of application.
Of course, you can also control the operation of the open manipulator by entering key to terminal of command.launch on PC, even if you are not using the application

Second Phone Run to facetracking

Step1. click icon of android_pubFaceTracker-debug.apk
Step2. Enter ip address of PC's ROS core. and Press connection button.
Step3. And press the Home key to run the application as BackGround. Never press the back key.

Step4. click icon of facetracker.apk
Only the largest face detected by the application is displayed on the camera preveiw screen.

Step5. Now you can see rostopic about data of detected face on ROS PC by rostopic of rqt.

Operation Mode

There is 9 mode, You can control by PC( terminal of key_command.launch ) or phone ( voice control or button )

0. Start Pour

We read the fixed joint position coordinates from the saved file and moved Robot Arm(Open manipulator).
We use Open Manipulator Control Package to control open manipulator by joint control.
The way to save the joint movement file are located at the bottom of the page.
Click image to link to YouTube video.

Video Label

1. Start cheers ( Picking cup & Cup tracking )

Click image to link to YouTube video.
Used Packages
. We use Darknet ROS Package to detect cup object. The used model is yolo V3.
. We use JSK Package to calculation 3D position.
. We use Open Manipulator Control Package to control open manipulator by inverse kinematic.
Video Label
Video Label

2. Stop cheers ( Realease Cup )

3. Serve Food

We read the fixed joint position coordinates from the saved file and moved Robot Arm(Open manipulator).
We use Open Manipulator Control Package to control open manipulator by joint control.
The way to save the joint movement file are located at the bottom of the page.
Click image to link to YouTube video.
Video Label
Video Label

4. Start Phone ( PICKING phone & face tracking )

The face detection algorithm is LargestFaceFocusingProcessor of
Click image to link to YouTube video.
Video Label

5. Stop Phone ( Realease Phone )

6. Stop

7. Restart

8. Panorama Shot

Run Gazebo ( PC Side )

roslaunch open_manipulator_gazebo_potman open_manipulator_gazebo_potman.launch
roslaunch open_manipulator_controller open_manipulator_controller.launch use_platform:=false
roslaunch open_manipulator_potman yolo_jsk_pose.launch camera_model:=realsense_d435 use_platform:=false
roslaunch open_manipulator_potman potman.launch use_platform:=false
roslaunch open_manipulator_potman key_command.launch

Click image to link to YouTube video.
Video Label

How to make joint movement file

  1. Start Pour and 3. Serve Food is fixed movement by file.
  2. Start Pour use
  3. Serve Food use
    you can make movement file by open_manipulator_save_and_load

Video Label


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