Now enables you to mark different event of the day with a timestamp and tags. Ultimately this allow you to figure the answer for the question "What did I do today?"
This tool is in its nacent stage.With continuous developement and active contributors I plan to implement folllowing features,
- Summary command
- Command line gui with more
- A todo list feature(most via plan command)
- A complete nerdy!! commmand line task planning and tracking solution
Follwing commands after clone is repository will install the now tool.
go mod tidy
go install now
Now tool uses intuitive commands that enables ease of use.
You can always use help for usage and function of different commands.
now help [command]
To add an entry that indicates start of a task
now doing taskTitle --tags tag1,tag2
To add an entry that indicates completion of a task
now done taskTitle --tags tag1,tag2
To add an break entry
now break
Break command also supports tags.
To add an continue entry that indicate completion of a break
now continue
Continue command also suports tags.
To display entries
now show #Displays the last record
now show -c n #Displays last n record