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325 lines (259 loc) · 11.6 KB

Single-cycle implementation

The single-cycle implementation of the RiSC-16 ISA

RTL code structure


  • Data memory
    module mem_data #(
        parameter p_WORD_LEN = 16,                  // Number of bits in a word
        parameter p_ADDR_LEN = 10,                  // Number of addressing lines
        localparam p_MEM_SIZE = 2 ** p_ADDR_LEN     // Number of words
    ) (
        input i_clk,                                // Clock signal
        input i_wr_en,                              // High to write on positive edge
        input[p_ADDR_LEN-1:0]        i_addr,        // Address of data
        output[p_WORD_LEN-1:0]       o_rd_data,     // Data for reading (asynchronous)
        input[p_WORD_LEN-1:0]        i_wr_data      // Data for writing (on posedge)


  • Register file
module mem_reg #(
    parameter p_WORD_LEN        = 16,
    parameter p_REG_ADDR_LEN    = 3,
    parameter p_REG_FILE_SIZE   = 8
) (
    input i_clk,                                // Clock signal

    input[p_REG_ADDR_LEN-1:0]     i_src1,      // Read address 1
    input[p_REG_ADDR_LEN-1:0]     i_src2,      // Read address 2
  	input[p_REG_ADDR_LEN-1:0]     i_tgt,       // Write register address

    output[p_WORD_LEN-1:0]        o_src1_data, // Read output 1 (asynchronous)
    output[p_WORD_LEN-1:0]        o_src2_data, // Read output 2 (asynchronous)
    input[p_WORD_LEN-1:0]         i_tgt_data,  // Input to write to the target (on posedge)

    input i_wr_en                              // High to write on posedge


  • Control and ALU
  • Uses mem_reg module
  • Data memory is outside the core
module core (
    // Control signals
    input               i_clk,                  // Main clock signal
    input               i_rst,                  // Global reset

    // Instruction memory interface
    input[15:0]         i_inst,                 // Instruction input from instruction memory
    output reg[15:0]    o_pc,                   // Program counter output to instruction memory

    // Data memory interface
    input[15:0]         i_mem_rd_data,          // Data read from memory
    output reg[15:0]    o_mem_wr_data,          // Data to write to memory
    output reg[15:0]    o_mem_addr,             // Address to write or read
    output reg          o_mem_wr_en             // Write enable for memory
  • Has 2 combinational always blocks. Functions :
    • Decide which register fields to give to which port of the register file
    • Set register and memory control and data input signals
  • One sequential always block
    • Update the program counter


  • Toplevel module
  • Integrates core, instruction memory and data memory
module toplevel (
  input clk,                  // Global clock
  output[15:0] pc
  • Reads from the file, to initialize instruction memory

The toplevel structure looks like this :

Block diagram

(Legend : Green - data, Red - Address, Blue - Control)

Note : There is also a little bit of "glue" logic that makes sure that the addresses to data memory are valid (in its boundary) when writing and reading. Reset is also ignored.

Reference models

  • In folder tb_incl
  • System verilog classes to be used to compare results with the DUT(design under test) in constrained random verification


  • Datatype regfield_t

    • logic[2:0] type
    • For register address fields in instructions
  • Enumeration opcode_t

    • logic[2:0] type
    • For all 8 instructions with their actual opcodes
  • Enumeration opcode_format_t

    • logic[2:0] type
    • For the 3 instruction formats
    • RRR : 0
    • RRI : 1
    • RI : 2
  • A class, instruction to model the instructions for other reference models

  • constraint imm_limit

    • Set limits for immediate values (0 to 1023 for long immediate, -64 to 63 for signed immediate)
    • Higher probability to get 0, and extremum values (-64, 63 for signed immediate, 1023 for long immediate)
  • coverpoint cg

    • opcode
    • register fields
    • immediate value
  • function new(
      opcode_t op_in      = opcode_t'(3'b0), 
      regflield_t rega_in = regflield_t'(3'b0), 
      regflield_t regb_in = regflield_t'(3'b0), 
      regflield_t regc_in = regflield_t'(3'b0), 
      int imm_in  = int'(64'b0)
    • Constructor
    • By default, all values are 0 (nop instruction, add r0, r0, r0)
  • function string to_string();

    • Convert the instruction representation to string
  • function logic[15:0] to_bin();

    • Convert the instruction representation to binary
  • function void from_bin(logic[15:0] bin_code);

    • Get the values from binary representation
  • function string get_coverage();

    • Get instruction format wise coverage information as a string


  • Data memory reference
  • Parameters
    • size : Size of data memory
  • function new;
    • Constructor
  • function void write_mem(input bit[15:0] addr, bit[15:0] data);
    • Write data to addr
  • function bit[15:0] read_mem(bit[15:0] addr);
    • Read from addr
  • function void reset;
    • Reset memory


  • Register class for the register file

  • function new;

    • Constructor
  • function void write_reg(bit[2:0] addr, bit[15:0] data);

    • Write data to register at addr
  • function bit[15:0] read_reg(bit[2:0] addr);

    • Read from register at addr
  • function void reset();

    • Reset the register file


  • Reference for the CPU model

  • function new();

    • Constructor
  • function string to_string();

    • Output the currest state of the simulator
    • Format : program_count : next_inst : register values
  • function void set_inst(instruction inp);

    • Set the instruction to execute next
  • function void exec_inst();

    • Execute the stored instruction


  • In folder tb
    • Testing the entire processor
    • Output :
    Staring core processor test
            0 instructions completed
        10000 instructions completed
        20000 instructions completed
        30000 instructions completed
        40000 instructions completed
        50000 instructions completed
        60000 instructions completed
        70000 instructions completed
        80000 instructions completed
        90000 instructions completed
    Number of failures :           0
    Instruction coverage : Net - 100.00		RRR - 100.00		RRI ; 100.00		RI : 100.00
    Finished core processor test
    • Testing if instruction model encode and decode is working
    • Output:
    Staring instruction test
            0 NAND r7, r4, r4  NAND r7, r4, r4 
          250 ADD  r1, r3, r7  ADD  r1, r3, r7 
        24750 BEQ  r3, r3, 20  BEQ  r3, r3, 20 
            0 inconsistencies detected!
    Coverage : Net - 99.99		RRR - 99.90		RRI ; 100.00		RI : 100.00
    Finished instruction test
    • Testing data memory
    • Output :
    Starting data memory test
    Coverage : 100.00
    Data memory test finished
    ... (simuator logs)
    "", 110: mem_data_test.cover_reread, 50083 attempts, 15450 total match, 15450 first match
    • Testing register file
    • Output :
    Starting register test
    Coverage : 100.00
    Finished register test
    • Toplevel testbench which instantiates the other testbenches

Formal verification

  • Formal verification was done on mem_reg and mem_data using symbiyosys (check configuration file and Makefile). Check the end of the modules in the verilog files for the `ifdef FORMAL ... `endif portion to see the properties proved.


  • Reads from register 0 always return 0
  • Outputs are never indeterminate
  • If i_wr_en is high in a clock cycle, the register addressed by i_tgt will store value i_tgt_data from next cycle. Then, when i_src1 is equal to that same register, it is put on o_src1_data. The same applies for src2.


  • If i_wr_en is high in a clock cycle, the value at address i_addr will become i_wr_data on the clock posedge. Then, when i_addr is equal to that address, it is put on o_rd_data

Developer notes

  • This was my first try with proper, comprehensive verification
  • I caught multiple bugs in both the RTL code and the reference designs
    • Assigning 0 to a wire by mistake
    • Inaccuracy in JALR instruction execution by the simulator when both rega and regb are the same
  • 100,000 random instructions were generated and used for verification. Since the state was the same throughout, we can be reasonable confident that the reference design and RTL design are equivalent.
  • There are no makefiles or scripts to run these because i used EDA playground to run them. Access it here


All synthesis results are for 2kB (1024 word) RAM and 2kB (1024 word) instruction memory (randomly generated instructions).

Initially, I had quite ignoranlty, put a single cycle reset for the data memory and register file. This turned out to be quite expensive. The logic utilization was :

Site Type Used Available Util%
Slice LUTs* 10443 63400 16.47
LUT as Logic 10419 63400 16.43
LUT as Memory 24 19000 0.13
LUT as Distributed RAM 24
LUT as Shift Register 0
Slice Registers 16412 126800 12.94
Register as Flip Flop 16412 126800 12.94
Register as Latch 0 126800 0.00
F7 Muxes 2307 31700 7.28
F8 Muxes 1140 15850 7.19

However, when the reset was removed from the data memory and register file, the logic utilization became :

Site Type Used Available Util%
Slice LUTs* 806 63400 1.27
LUT as Logic 526 63400 0.83
LUT as Memory 280 19000 1.47
LUT as Distributed RAM 280
LUT as Shift Register 0
Slice Registers 26 126800 0.02
Register as Flip Flop 26 126800 0.02
Register as Latch 0 126800 0.00
F7 Muxes 256 31700 0.81
F8 Muxes 128 15850 0.81

That was a > 10 times improvement!! The previous version used way too many LUTs for logic than the CPU needed.

This is because a single-cycle reset of memory is very expensive to implement. Here, for memory, we use distributed RAM where the LUT SRAM bits are written to using an address input. But, we can only write to one bit at a time. We cannot reset all values in the LUT at once.

Still, distributed RAM (LUTs) are being used instead of block RAMs to implement memory because the read is asynchronous. To use block RAM, the read needs to synchronous, requiring a multi-cycle design.

Also, the timing constraint imposed by the single-cycle design, where a read can take at most one cycle reduces the maximum clock frequency. On the nexys 4 ddr, this was 70MHz.

Both these issues can be solved using a pipelined multicycle architecture. This will be our next challenge!