Note: This project is a backend-only version of the Project Bounty-Web-Expenses
Tracking expenses accurately can be a real headache for roommates / co-workers - especially if you have a "kanjoos". Today there are quite a few apps (mobile or web) that allow you to do this, but we want to see your take on this problem.
Your task is to build a simple (yet functional) Expense Manager using Node.js. Your program will deploy a bot on an IRC / Slack channel that will listen for transaction related messages by other members of the cahnnel. Remember we are going to evaluate you on the following parameters:
- How you think and how creative you are
- How you code - structure, comments, and efficiency
- And how quickly can you learn
We have included a few sample conversations to get you started below. Be creative in your approach.
- sameer: let's build this app over the weekend
- sameer: @bot addt paid 600 for dinner yesterday. all
- bot: transaction recorded.
- shubham: addt. kaushik paid 100 for coffee on Feb 3
- bot: transaction recorded.
- kaushik: @bot addt I owe Dilip 50
- oobot: transaction recorded.
- dilip: @bot addm new Shrivatsa
- bot: Shrivatsa created
- Integrate with a chat solution like Slack
- Define commands and enable actions on the chat (Slack) interface
If you are going for the kill and you really want to wow us:
- Pull Reports on Historical Data. Ex: @bot report Jan
- Options like Mail, Export to xls etc
- Build visualiztions on the web from the data stored in your DB
When you are done, please just create a pull request on this repo. We would like you to come in and present your code to the whole team.
May the force be with you!
- link that will help you start interact with slack.