This is my NixOS configuration. I use it for both my desktop and laptop.
I love gruvbox colorscheme, but don't use default gruvbox-gtk-theme pkg for this - it has some bugs, also I don't like yellowish text color. Instead I utilize stylix for creating my own gtk theme from base16Scheme - result looks like gruvbox, but creamy brown text removed for better looking in gui grey. Also error logs and bugs are gone. All other stylix options besides of mandatory ones are disabled.
Also I have a "control center" in flake.nix - var arg, which contains username, hostname for host-specific things such as amd kernel modules and init variable, used to skip unnecessary and heavy things on first rebuild for improved reproducebility.
╭─ Distro -> NixOS
├─ Editor -> nixvim & helix
├─ Browser -> Firefox with custom css
├─ Shell -> nushell
╰─ Top -> bottom
╭─ Model -> Lenovo Thinkbook 13s G3 ACN
├─ CPU -> AMD Ryzen 5 5600U (12) @ 4.289GHz
╰─ Display -> 1920x1200@60hz
╭─ WM -> Hyprland
├─ Bar -> waybar
├─ Clip -> clipse
├─ DM -> GDM
├─ Notify -> SwayNC
├─ Terminal -> Kitty
├─ Theme -> modified Gruvbox
├─ FM -> Yazi & Nautilus
├─ Notes -> Obsidian
├─ VM -> VMM Windows 11
╰─ Games -> Flatpak, Portproton, Bottles & PPSSPP
In module directory there are common NixOS modules and host-specific things like amd kernel modules.
In home-modules there are home-manager configs, like Hyprland bindings and editor configs.