3rd Year Computer Engineering Student | Software Engineer (Minor Computer Science) | Tech Enthusiast
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Database Systems, Signals and Systems
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on innovative open-source projects
- 🤝 I’m looking for help with securing a software development internship
- 💬 Ask me about Java, C, C#, Python, and Assembly (HCS12)
- 🌐 Visit my website:
Hello There 👋🏻
My name is Arshia Rahim and I am Computer Engineering Student based in Toronto, ON 🇨🇦(GTA)
I enjoy learning new languages and exploring what I can do with my knowledge 🧠. I'm currently working on Software & Hardware Projects in my free time which Im going to be sharing and documenting it here 💻🛠️📝📚.
These projects are a combination of Individual👤 and group projects👥 . I am hoping I can bring my ideas to life using the knowledge I learn in these projects as thats when I learn best. Combining my knowldege from school and gained experience, I try to evovle as a Software Programmer.