Arduino library to control brushed DC motors by PWM.
It uses optional attached encoders to drive fixed distances.
Available as Arduino library "PWMMotorControl".
Contains the RobotCarBlueDisplay example.
- The PWMDcMotor.cpp controls brushed DC motors by PWM using standard full bridge IC's like L298, SparkFun Motor Driver - Dual TB6612FNG, or Adafruit_MotorShield (using PCA9685 -> 2 x TB6612).
- The EncoderMotor.cpp.cpp controls a DC motor with attached encoder disc and slot-type photo interrupters to enable driving a specified distance.
- The CarPWMMotorControl.cpp controls 2 motors simultaneously like it is required for most Robot Cars.
- To compensate for different motor characteristics, each motor can have a positive compensation value, which is subtracted from the requested speed PWM if you use the
functions. For car control, only compensation of one motor is required. - 4 wheel mecanum car control movements are fully supported with extended directions like
- Direction / motor driver control. Can be FORWARD, BACKWARD, BRAKE (motor connections are shortened) or RELEASE (motor connections are high impedance).
- SpeedPWM which is ignored for BRAKE or RELEASE. Some functions allow a signed speedPWM parameter, which includes the direction as sign (positive -> FORWARD).
init(uint8_t aForwardPin, uint8_t aBackwardPin, uint8_t aPWMPin)
.setDirection(uint8_t aMotorDirection)
.setSpeedPWM(uint8_t aSpeedPWM)
.setSpeedPWMAndDirection(uint8_t aRequestedSpeedPWM, uint8_t aRequestedDirection)
.setSpeedPWMAndDirection(int SignedRequestedSpeedPWM)
.startRampUp(uint8_t aRequestedDirection)
for encoder motors or MPU6050 IMU equipped cars.
Driving speed PWM (2.0 V) is the PWM value to use for driving a fixed distance. If it is set higher than RAMP_VALUE_OFFSET_SPEED_PWM
(2.3 V), the software generates a ramp up from RAMP_VALUE_OFFSET_SPEED_PWM
to requested driving speed PWM at the start of the movement and a ramp down to stop.
goDistanceMillimeter(uint8_t aRequestedSpeedPWM, unsigned int aRequestedDistanceMillimeter, uint8_t aRequestedDirection);
For non encoder motors, distance and drive speed PWM is used in a formula to convert millimeters into motor driving time.updateMotor()
- call this in your loop if you use the start* functions e.g.startGoDistanceMillimeter(int aRequestedDistanceMillimeter)
rotate(int aRotationDegrees, turn_direction_t aTurnDirection, bool aUseSlowSpeed, void (*aLoopCallback)(void))
.- Plus all functions from above like
etc. They now affect both motors.
4WD car with IR receiver and Bluetooth module and 4 AA rechargeable batteries. | Instructable |
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This library was tested with the bipolar full bridge IC L298 and the (recommended) MOSFET full bridge IC TB6612.
The L298 has a loss of around 2 volt, which is the reason for the attached heat sink | The TB6612 has almost no loss |
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L298 voltages at both motor pins @7.5 V | TB6612 effective motor voltage @7.6 V |
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- PWM period is 600 µs (1.6 kHz) for Adafruit Motor Shield V2 using PCA9685.
- PWM period is 1030 µs (970 Hz) for AnalogWrite on pin 5 + 6.
The examples are available at File > Examples > Examples from Custom Libraries / PWMMotorControl.
One motor starts with DriveSpeedPWM / 2 for one second, then runs 1 second with DriveSpeedPWM. After stopping the motor, it tries to run for one full rotation (resulting in a 90 degree turn for a 2WD car). Then the other motor runs the same cycle. For the next loop, the direction is switched to backwards.
4 times drive 40 cm and 90 degree left turn. After the square, the car is turned by 180 degree and the direction is switched to backwards. Then the square starts again.
This example prints PWM, speed and distance / encoder-count diagram of an encoder motor. The encoder increment is inverted at falling PWM slope to show the quadratic kind of encoder graph. Timebase is 20 ms per plotted value.
Prints PWM, speed and distance diagram of the right (encoder) motor of a car equipped with a MPU6050 IMU.
Encoder and IMU (MPU6050) data are printed simultaneously, to compare and to detect slipping.
It does a start and stop car first with and second without ramp.
and doubles speed for next turn until MAX_SPEED_PWM
Diagram for car controlled by an MosFet bridge | Diagram for car controlled by an L298 bridge |
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The code uses a TCRT 5000 3-channel sensor.
According to the 8 different states of the 3 sensor inputs, we perform the following actions: 0 - All sensors are dark or not connected -> stop or go forward after sharp turn 1 - Mid and right sensors are dark -> sharp right 2 - Left and right sensors are dark -> panic stop, because this is unexpected 3 - Only right sensor is dark -> right 4 - Mid and left sensors are dark -> sharp left 5 - Only mid sensor is dark -> forward 6 - Only left sensor is dark -> left 7 - All sensors are not dark -> stop or go backward after turn
Template for your RobotCar control. Currently implemented is: Drive until distance too low, then stop, go backwards and turn random amount.
Implements basic car control by an IR remote.
Mapping between keys of any IR remote sending NEC protocol (all the cheap china ones) and car commands can be done in IRCommandMapping.h.
To support mapping, the received IR code is printed at the serial output if INFO
is defined.
The 3 supported IR remotes | Back view of 2 IR remotes |
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The car tries to hold a distance between 30 and 40 cm to an obstacle. Only forward and back movement, no turn! The measured distance range is converted to a pitch as an acoustic feedback.
The car tries to hold a distance between 22 and 30 cm to an target. If the target vanishes, the distance sensor rotates and scans up to 60 cm to get the vanished (or a new) target.
If an IR Receiver is attached, the following IR commands are available:
Reset i.e. stop car and set all values to default.
Drive forward / backward for a complete wheel turn. Each repeat will extend the distance by another 1/4 of a wheel turn.
Increase / decrease driving speed PWM by 1/16 of max PWM, but clip at start speed PWM, which depends on motor supply voltage.
Set driving speed PWM to default, which depends on motor supply voltage.
Turn in place left / right by around 15 degree.
Toggle keep distance mode.
Toggle follower mode (the one that scans).
Step the distance feedback modes:
- No feedback tone (default).
- Pentatonic frequency feedback tone.
- Continuous frequency feeedback tone.
Switch distance source, if a IR distance (Sharp GP2Y0A21YK / 1080) as well as an ultrasonic distance (HC-SR04) sensor are connected.
- Use IR as distance sensor (default).
- Use US as distance sensor.
- Use minimum of both sensors as distance.
- Use maximum of both sensors as distance.
Toggle scan speed of distance servo.
TestRotate: Check the current EEPROM stored values for rotation.
- Rotate left forward by 9 times 10 degree -> 90 degree.
- Rotate right forward by 90 degree -> car has its initial direction but moved left forward.
- Do the same the other direction i.e. first right, then left.
- Do the same again, but turn in place.
TestDrive. Drive the car 2 times forward and and 2 times backward, each for a full wheel turn, to check the current values set for driving distance.
Test: Drive the car for 2 times 1/8, wheel turn, then 1/ and 1/2 wheel turn. First forward, then backward. If distance driving formula and values are correct, this results in 2 full wheel turns ending at the start position.
Calibrate speed and rotation.
Motor speed depends from motor supply voltage at a given PWM value.
First measure the motor supply voltage under normal load, i.e the fixed DEFAULT_DRIVE_SPEED_PWM, while turning in place and adjust PWM according to this voltage.
Second calibrate rotation.
- Start a 2 * 360 degree turn (4 * 360 for 2 wheel cars, which turn faster) to be sure to reach 360 degree.
- The user should press the stop button when 360 degree is reached.
- Then compute the internal MillimeterPer256Degreee value used for rotations.
- Move 90 degree left and right using the new computed values.
- If a IR command is received in the first 4 seconds after start of rotation, it is taken as abort command.
- If no IR command is received, it is also taken as abort. This enable an easy check, i.e if calibration is correct, the 720 degree are reached.
The steps 1 to 4 are first executed with turn in place, then with turn forward, since the values for both are different, so you must press the stop button twice for a complete calibration.
Requires the Arduino library BlueDisplay.
Enables autonomous driving of a 2 or 4 wheel car with an Arduino.
To avoid obstacles a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor mounted on a SG90 Servo continuously scans the environment.
Manual control is implemented by a GUI using a Bluetooth HC-05 Module and the BlueDisplay library.
To customize the library to different requirements, there are some compile options / macros available.
These macros must be defined in your program before the line #include <CarPWMMotorControl.hpp>
, #include <EncoderMotor.hpp>
or #include <PWMDcMotor.hpp>
to take effect.
Modify them by enabling / disabling them, or change the values if applicable.
Name | Default value | Description |
disabled | Use slot-type photo interrupter and an attached encoder disc to enable motor distance and speed sensing for closed loop control. |
disabled | Use GY-521 MPU6050 breakout board connected by I2C for support of precise turning and speed / distance calibration. Connectors point to the rear. Requires up to 2850 bytes program memory if USE_SOFT_I2C_MASTER defined and 3756 bytes if USE_SOFT_I2C_MASTER is not defined. |
disabled | The y axis of the GY-521 MPU6050 breakout board points forward / backward, i.e. connectors are at the left / right side. |
disabled | The speed axis of the GY-521 MPU6050 breakout board points backward, i.e. connectors are at the front or right side. |
disabled | Use Adafruit Motor Shield v2 connected by I2C instead of simple TB6612 or L298 breakout board. This requires only 2 I2C/TWI pins in contrast to the 6 pins used for the full bridge. For full bridge, the millis() timer0 is used for analogWrite since we use pin 5 & 6. |
disabled | Enabling requires additionally 694 bytes program memory. |
disabled | Enabling saves 378 bytes program memory. |
disabled | Enabling disables the function getAverageSpeed() and saves 44 bytes RAM per motor and 156 bytes program memory. |
disabled | Saves up to 2110 bytes program memory and 200 bytes RAM for I2C communication to Adafruit motor shield and MPU6050 IMU compared with Arduino Wire. |
disabled | Enables the convenience functions *AllMotors*() and *forAll() . Requires up to additional 80 bytes program space and 7 bytes RAM. |
These values are for a standard 2 WD car as can be seen on the pictures below.
Name | Default value | Description |
disabled | Use modified formula for turning the car. |
disabled | Use different setDirection() and modified values for going fixed distances. |
220 | At a circumference of around 220 mm this gives 11 mm per count. |
20 | This value is for 20 slot encoder discs, giving 20 on and 20 off counts per full rotation. |
2.2777 for 2 wheel drive cars, 4.1 for 4 WD cars and 2.2 for mecanum wheel cars. | Reflects the geometry of the standard 2 WD car or mecanum cars sets. The 4 WD car value is estimated for slip on smooth surfaces. |
These values are used by functions and some can be overwritten by set* functions.
Name | Default value | Description |
VIN_2_Li-ion |
undefined | If defined sets FULL_BRIDGE_INPUT_MILLIVOLT to 7400. |
VIN_1_Li-ion |
undefined | If defined sets FULL_BRIDGE_INPUT_MILLIVOLT to 3700. |
6000 or 7400 if VIN_2_Li-ion is defined |
The supply voltage used for the full bridge. |
undefined | If defined, sets FULL_BRIDGE_LOSS_MILLIVOLT to 2.0 volt. |
0 or 2000 if USE_L298_BRIDGE is defined |
The internal voltage loss of the full bridge used, typically 0 volt for mosfet and 2 volt for bipolar bridges like the L298. |
The effective voltage available for the motor. |
1100 | The DC Voltage at which the motor start to move / dead band voltage. |
2000 | The derived DEFAULT_DRIVE_SPEED_PWM is the speed PWM value used for fixed distance driving. |
320 | Value at DEFAULT_DRIVE_MILLIVOLT motor supply. A factor used to convert distance to motor on time in milliseconds using the formula:MillisForDistance = 20 + (RequestedDistanceMillimeter * MillisPerMillimeter * DriveSpeedPWM / DEFAULT_DRIVE_SPEED_PWM) |
To customize the software to different car configurations, there are some compile options / macros available.
Name | Default value | Description |
undefined | VIN/11 at A2, e.g. 1 MΩ to VIN, 100 kΩ to ground. Required to show and monitor (for undervoltage) VIN voltage. |
undefined or 0.8 for Uno | Voltage to be subtracted from VIN voltage for voltage monitoring. E.g. if there is a series diode between Li-ion and VIN as on the Uno boards, set it to 0.8. |
disabled | Distance.h |
disabled | A HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor is mounted (default for most China smart cars). |
disabled | Use modified HC-SR04 modules or HY-SRF05 ones. Modify HC-SR04 by connecting 10 kΩ between echo and trigger and then use only trigger pin. |
disabled | Use Sharp GP2Y0A21YK / 1080 IR distance sensor. |
disabled | Use VL53L1X TimeOfFlight distance sensor. |
disabled | Distance sensor is mounted on a pan servo (default for most China smart cars). |
disabled | Enables the pan slider for the PanServo at the PAN_SERVO_PIN pin. |
disabled | Enables the tilt slider for the TiltServo at the TILT_SERVO_PIN pin. |
disabled | Enables the Camera button for the CAMERA_SUPPLY_CONTROL_PIN pin. |
disabled | Enables the Laser button for the LASER_OUT_PIN / LED_BUILTIN pin. |
undefined | Plays melody after initial timeout has reached. Enables the Melody button, which plays a random melody. |
disabled | Shows VIN voltage and monitors it for undervoltage. VIN/11 at A2, 1 MΩ to VIN, 100 kΩ to ground. |
disabled | Activates the buttons to store compensation and drive speed. |
Connection schematic of the L298 board for the examples. If motor drives in opposite direction, you must flip the motor to L298 connections.
2 wheel car from LAVFIN with battery case for two 18650 Li-ion batteries, and IR receiver, with power wires in original length.
Connections on the Arduino and on the L298 board.
2 wheel car with encoders, slot-type photo interrupter, 2 Li-ion batteries, Adafruit Motor Shield V2, HC-05 Bluetooth module, and servo mounted head down.
4 wheel car with servo mounted head up.
Encoder slot-type photo interrupter sensor
Servo mounted head down
VIN sensing
- Added 2 functions startGoDistanceMillimeterWithSpeed(uint8_t aRequestedSpeedPWM, ...).
- ESP32 core 3.x support.
- Improved examples, especially follower examples.
- Improved examples, especially follower examples.
- Added convertMillimeterToMillis() etc.
- Added Variable computedMillisOfMotorForDistance.
- Added MillimeterPer256Degree and function setMillimeterPer256Degree() instead of using always constants.
- Renamed instance from RobotCarPWMMotorControl to RobotCar.
- MecanumWheelCar support.
- IMUCarData improved.
- Added Voltage handling functions like getVoltageAdjustedSpeedPWM() etc.
- Removed all *Compensated functions, compensation now is always active.
- Removed StopSpeed from EepromMotorinfoStruct.
- Removed StartSpeed.
- Renamed *.cpp to *.hpp.
- Added and renamed functions.
- IMU / MPU6050 support.
- Support of off the shelf smart cars.
- Added and renamed functions.
- Converted to voltage based formulas.
- Easy configuration of different car features.
- Initial Arduino library version.