Repository for Assignment 4, Ariba Rajput, 101228808
This is a rails app that implements the Students database for Assignment 4, 3005.
Database creation: The database is connected in this application. It is already created.
Creation of Tables and Population was done using the migration in this file, which used SQL in order to populate it. You may run 'rails db:migrate' in order to make sure your Students table is created and populated.
Compile and Run:
- Clone this repository
- Navigate to this repo, and navigate inside of "/assignment-4-app-ar"
- Run 'rails server'
- Interact with app
Functions Explanations: getAllStudents() - uses CRUD[Read] in Ruby on Rails in order to index all students in the Student table
addStudent() - uses CRUD[Create] operation in Ruby on Rails in order to add a student. Uses flash to append errors to the top of the screen if errors are received from the database
updateStudentEmail - uses CRUD[Update] in Ruby on Rails in order to update a students email. Uses flash to append errors to the top of the screen if errors are received from the database
deleteStudent = uses CRUD[Delete] in Ruby on Rails in order to delete a student given a student id (passed in through a form). Uses flash to append errors to the top of the screen if errors are received from the database