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OLD Instruction Set

Joseph edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

This is old documentation and is no longer relevant.

Register Instructions:


	Prints out the contents of a variable in binary

ADD(variable, variable):

	Adds two variables together with carry


	Increments a variable by one


	Decrements a variable by one

COPY(variable, variable):

	Copies the value of a variable to another


	Performs a bitwise negation

BAND(variable, variable):

	Performs a bitwise and

BOR(variable, variable):

	Performs a bitwise or


	Performs an arithmetic negation

SUB(variable, variable):

	Performs subtraction on two variables


	Computes the absolute value of a variable


	Produces a random number between the minimum and maximum integer

Conditional Instructions:


	Executes true if the variable equals zero, otherwise false.

EQUAL(variable, variable):

	Executes true if the variables have equivalent values, otherwise false.

GTZ(variable, flag):

	Executes true if the variable is greater than zero, otherwise false  If the equality flag is true, this instruction will execute true if the variable is greater than or equal to zero, otherwise false.

LTZ(variable, flag):

	Executes true if the variable is less than zero, otherwise false  If the equality flag is true, this instruction will execute true if the variable is less than or equal to zero, otherwise false.

GT(variable, variable, flag):

	Executes true if the first variable is greater than the other, otherwise false. If the equality flag is true, this instruction will execute true if the variable is greater than or equal to zero, otherwise false.

LT(variable, variable, flag):

	Executes true if the first variable is less than the other, otherwise false. If the equality flag is true, this instruction will execute true if the variable is less than or equal to zero, otherwise false.
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