Releases: ArduPilot/MissionPlanner
Releases · ArduPilot/MissionPlanner
What's Changed
- HUD message colored by severity by @irissam in #2453
- Github Action: make build by @meee1 in #2468
- CoT: Add Cursor-on-Target output by @magicrub in #2441
- [Plugin thread]: fix looprate 0 by @EosBandi in #2486
- Add DialogResult to paramcompare for handling Cancel and Save in Init… by @EosBandi in #2480
- FlightData: Checks takeoff result in resume by @amsjavan in #2491
- MainV2: Make titlebar public by @EosBandi in #2488
- Update Korean translation by @darkcircle in #2495
- Log Anonimizer: Fix typo to make anonymizer work by @EosBandi in #2502
- mavlink_gps_rtcm_data_t only gets sent once now to reduce transmitted… by @StevenHAtRFDesign in #2508
- Geofence upload now runs in a separate thread and a pop up box shows … by @StevenHAtRFDesign in #2507
- Fix HUD/EKF/VIBE position save/restore by @EosBandi in #2509
- FlightPlanner.cs: Add rotation parameter to AutoWP/Text by @EosBandi in #2513
- FlightData.Designer: Remove double declaration of tableLayoutPanel2 by @EosBandi in #2510
- Help: fix shortcut description by @tajisoft in #2515
- use "POS" data to draw map by @tatsuy in #2524
- MAVLinkInspector: fix the unit of bytes per second by @tatsuy in #2525
- Add ability to prevent theming using attribute by @liamclarkza in #2546
- Added checkbox "Skip Download" by @roberthudson in #2565
- Cursor on target xml fix by @magicrub in #2580
- Add yaw of GPS_RAW_INT to CurrentState by @tatsuy in #2556
- Plugin InitialParamsCalc : Update to latest calculations by @EosBandi in #2558
- Update ConfigRawParamsTree by @EosBandi in #2571
- Update ConfigRawParams by @EosBandi in #2572
- WarningEngine: Add new type warning to color QV item backgroung by @EosBandi in #2584
- Make QuickViewTab undockable by @EosBandi in #2586
- Global: Set the way point radius to a floating value by @muramura in #2604
- Repond to catch warning cs0168 by @muramura in #2592
- GCSViews: Add options for RC15 and 16 by @muramura in #2602
- Updated Config -> Extended Tuning to include new filter values by @AndresUsandi in #2649
- remove redundant processBuffer call by @chobitsfan in #2659
- Introduced some string interpolation by @ZeroPointGaming in #2658
- Replaced 2 strings with interpolation by @ZeroPointGaming in #2657
- Correct the table headers for do_change_speed params by @Gone4Dirt in #2655
New Contributors
- @amsjavan made their first contribution in #2491
- @darkcircle made their first contribution in #2495
- @liamclarkza made their first contribution in #2546
- @roberthudson made their first contribution in #2565
- @AndresUsandi made their first contribution in #2649
- @ZeroPointGaming made their first contribution in #2658
- @Gone4Dirt made their first contribution in #2655
Full Changelog: MissionPlanner1.3.74...MissionPlanner1.3.75
What's Changed
- fix sub-component statustext severity by @irissam in #2452
- Hud battery warning honor BATT_LOW and BATT_CRT parameters by @EosBandi in #2459
- Add -config command line option for defining alternative config file by @EosBandi in #2463
- PluginManager: Update PluginManager to handle runtime compiled plugins by @EosBandi in #2462
Full Changelog: MissionPlanner1.3.72...MissionPlanner1.3.74
What's Changed
- Set Mode dropdown fix by @EosBandi in #2394
- Fixed joystick window not loading saved joystick buttons settings. by @ivan95603 in #2382
- Advanced Tuning filed background color fix by @EosBandi in #2399
New Contributors
- @ivan95603 made their first contribution in #2382
Full Changelog: MissionPlanner1.3.72...MissionPlanner1.3.73
What's Changed
- Set Mode dropdown fix by @EosBandi in #2394
- Fixed joystick window not loading saved joystick buttons settings. by @ivan95603 in #2382
- Advanced Tuning filed background color fix by @EosBandi in #2399
New Contributors
- @ivan95603 made their first contribution in #2382
Full Changelog: MissionPlanner1.3.71...MissionPlanner1.3.72
What's Changed
- raise max bl revsion by @tridge in #2267
- Coms rates update by @jfint in #2277
- Update MainV2.cs to correctly check for windows XP by @khancyr in #2290
- fixed vertical_speed_fpm display by @tridge in #2297
- Make Custom icons on MainMenuStrip possible by @EosBandi in #2294
- BSE.Windows.Forms: Correct resource path by @khancyr in #2300
- Update readme informations by @khancyr in #2299
- Color theme files and Theme Editor for editing those files by @EosBandi in #2298
- Do not display waypoints with lat and lon 0 by @tatsuy in #2325
- keep the delay value of a waypoint when moving by @tatsuy in #2316
- Layout Chinese translation error modified by @Jingxian-Xiao in #2313
- Plugin manager UI and DisabledPlugins by @EosBandi in #2340
- accept the float value in "Modify Alt" on Flight Planner screen by @tatsuy in #2343
- Sorting items in status tab by @EosBandi in #2342
- DashWare: add trailing commas to csv file by @kd0aij in #2352
- Custom fields for currentstate with support for NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT mav… by @EosBandi in #2360
- Add possibility to use own GoogleAPI key by @EosBandi in #2371
- Rfd900 tools for pull request by @meee1 in #2381
- Sik radio support for multipoint and async firmware, auto switching of modes, and parsing of parameter ranges. by @StevenHAtRFDesign in #1812
New Contributors
- @jfint made their first contribution in #2277
- @khancyr made their first contribution in #2290
- @Jingxian-Xiao made their first contribution in #2313
- @kd0aij made their first contribution in #2352
Full Changelog: MissionPlanner1.3.69...MissionPlanner1.3.71
Full Changelog: MissionPlanner1.3.69...MissionPlanner1.3.70
What's Changed
- Fix log->param extraction files to be CSV instead of TSV by @magicrub in #2182
- flightdata: add system_time action by @chobitsfan in #2195
- Rover: add waypoint item DO_NAV_DELAY by @magicrub in #2199
Full Changelog: MissionPlanner1.3.68...MissionPlanner1.3.69
What's Changed
- Fix for joystick setup file load issue #1388 by @gediminasgu in #1397
- Improve Parrot firmware install process by @OXINARF in #1395
- flightdata: bring Graph This form to front insted of creating new form every time by @MRazgunas in #1410
- Remove NAV_LOITER 'Heading req' param text, its always enforced by @magicrub in #1448
- Flexible waypoint type #3753 by @EShamaev in #1434
- ConfigPlanner: change the text value from Vario to Layout by @tatsuy in #1468
- TelemetryLogGraph: Fix some messages not being graphed by @MRazgunas in #1465
- Fix maximized hud aspect ration when 16:9 is chosen by @gediminasgu in #1502
- Updating No-Fly zones in Portugal by @lvale in #1522
- AOA and SSA receive, AOA indication, bulls eye indication by @EShamaev in #1524
- null check by @dorisugita in #1520
- removed KeyError: 'POWR' by @dan-leo in #1599
- work around for emlid reach Beidou RTCM message parsing by @chobitsfan in #1637
- SerialInjectGPS: match sendData length variable type to InjectGpsData by @chobitsfan in #1649
- Fix for issue #1641. OpenFileDialog remember the last used dir until … by @SergeyBokhantsev in #1653
- Updated No fly zones in Portugal by @lvale in #1655
- Fix missing flight strip bug when doing segmentation in GridUI by @shuhangz in #1675
- Prevent multiple register to video captue event by @BourgeoisLab in #1670
- Updating sw and build requirements (VS) by @Naphier in #1668
- Add px4fmu-v4pro support by @klopezal in #1671
- Expanded on the configuration options of the "display view" feature by @JWangAeronavics in #1692
- ConfigArdurover: Add tuning options for 3.2 by @danielwidmann in #1695
- Added the ability to create layouts with menu autohide always turned on. by @JWangAeronavics in #1684
- Revised german translation by @Fi156 in #1706
- Added ability to commit params to flash in param list/tree by @JWangAeronavics in #1704
- MavLink interface enhancements to improve handling of non-fc components by @JWangAeronavics in #1686
- Vector3: changed dot product overload to output a scalar #1712 by @JWangAeronavics in #1713
- simple interface tab for MavLink Gimbals by @JWangAeronavics in #1709
- Fixed testing screen checkbox behaviour in config planner view by @JWangAeronavics in #1714
- VRBRAIN: Added new board VR Brain 5.4 (detection, driver and upload firmware) by @LukeMike in #1726
- FlightPlanner: Change the error message to item name by @muramura in #1737
- Couple of ui tweaks by @jelkins8 in #1729
- Add AUAV/mRo X2.1 support to MissionPlanner by @pkocmoud in #1760
- Adding the AeroHawk camera parameters to the camerasBuiltin.xml file by @AeroHawk in #1768
- Added a minute.second interpretation of TimeInAir to currentstate by @EosBandi in #1769
- Minor Spelling fix by @magicrub in #1807
- Fixed a bit strange part of Japanese display. by @tajisoft in #1816
- Japanese improvement for Wizard and Mandatory/Optional menu by @tajisoft in #1829
- Improvement japanese by @tajisoft in #1830
- Japanese improvement by @tajisoft in #1832
- LogBrowse: filter options only show seen messages by @OXINARF in #1833
- fixes a crash when the camera is started from HUD, when already running by @Shackmeister in #1842
- Reconnect HUD custom items to the main state on connect by @EosBandi in #1875
- Fix mission discrepancy between FlighData and FlightPlanner mission points numbering. by @EosBandi in #1874
- update power module and battery failsafe config by @chobitsfan in #1865
- Mp fixes by @davidbuzz in #1838
- RFD900X-MP MultiPoint radio support. by @davidbuzz in #1878
- Clarify Log Creation Failure to GS, not board. by @Naterater in #1884
- Exposing sky and ground color values to support upcoming "Night MODE" plugin by @EosBandi in #1951
- Map: Added Japan Maps by @muramura in #1969
- Rename UAVCAN config screen and enable enumeration by @OXINARF in #1968
- Fix plane basic tuning throttle slewrate field DE by @vierfuffzig in #1970
- MoterTest: add SURFACE_BOAT to if statement by @tajisoft in #1976
- Fix garbled characters in HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS by @muramura in #1997
- ConfigMount: add SERVO1-4 to _MNT options by @vierfuffzig in #2005
- battmon: added Pixhawk4 power module by @tridge in #2035
- removed duplicate flight modes for plane by @tridge in #2042
- Minor fix when setting home in flight planner by @gediminasgu in #2045
- OnboardOSD Config tool impl. by @SergeyBokhantsev in #2075
- Replaced unawaited Task.Delays with Thread.Sleep. by @peancor in #2096
- Change from option CH to option RC by @muramura in #2057
- Improved ElevationProfile to take units into account. by @gediminasgu in #2046
- Fix: "Tlog > Kml or Graph" fails to load with Null reference exception by @gediminasgu in #2106
- Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines [skip ci] by @azure-pipelines in #2121
- Possibility to delete logs in logindex and get statistics on selected… by @gediminasgu in #2107
- Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines [skip ci] by @meee1 in #2125
- Drivers: fixed name of Pixhawk6 by @tridge in #2134
- Change the layout of BATT_MAH by @tatsuy in #2133
- Corridor (GRID) direction fix by @EosBandi in #2129
- Add the distance of DISTANCE_SENSOR to CurrentState by @tatsuy in #2151
New Contributors
- @gediminasgu made their first contribution in #1397
- @OXINARF made their first contribution in #1395
- @MRazgunas made their first contribution in #1410
- @EShamaev made their first contribution in #1434
- @lvale made their first contribution in #1522
- @dorisugita made their first contribution in #1520
- @dan-leo made their first contribution in #1599
- @SergeyBokhantsev made their first contribution in #1653
- @shuhangz made their first contribution in #1675
- @BourgeoisLab made their first contribution in #1670
- @Naphier made their first contribution in #1668
- @klopezal made their first contribution in #1671
- @JWangAeronavics made their first contribution in #1692
- @danielwidmann made their first c...