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MLHFormLynx - GraphQL TypeScript Backend for MLH Fellowship Forms

MLHFormLynx is a GraphQL TypeScript backend designed to streamline the submission and management of MLH Fellowship application forms. This project offers an alternative to outsourcing form submissions by providing a NoSQL MongoDB database integration. With MLHFormLynx, MLH Fellowship can maintain control over their form data while benefiting from the flexibility and scalability of MongoDB.

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  • GraphQL API: Utilize a powerful and flexible API for querying and mutating MLH Fellowship application forms.
  • TypeScript Integration: Leverage the benefits of TypeScript for static type checking and improved developer experience.
  • NoSQL Database: Seamlessly store and manage application form data using MongoDB.
  • Customizable: Modify and extend the schema and resolvers to match specific requirements.
  • Easy Integration: Integrate the backend with existing or new frontend applications to provide a complete form submission solution.


Before getting started with MLHFormLynx, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Node.js: To run the server and manage dependencies.
  • MongoDB: To host the NoSQL database.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: cd MLHFormLynx and npm install
  3. Set up environment variables:
    • Create a .env file in the root directory.
    • Configure your MongoDB connection string: MONGODB_URI=<your-mongodb-connection-string>
    • Add any other necessary environment variables:
      • JWT_SEC_KEY: Secret key used for JWT token encryption and validation.
      • PROJECT_PASSWORD: Password used for authentication or authorization purposes.
      • DB_NAME: Name of the MongoDB database where the data will be stored.
      • PORT: Port on which the GraphQL server will run.
  4. Start the server: npm start


MLHFormLynx provides a GraphQL playground where you can interact with the API and test queries and mutations. Access the playground at http://localhost:4000/graphql (update the port as needed).

Schema Customization

Feel free to modify the GraphQL schema and resolvers according to the specific requirements of the MLH Fellowship application forms. You can add new fields, adjust validation rules, or enhance functionality to match your needs.


Contributions to MLHFormLynx are welcome! If you find issues or want to add new features, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/my-feature.
  3. Make changes and commit: git commit -m "Add my feature".
  4. Push to your fork: git push origin feature/my-feature.
  5. Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as needed.


For any questions or inquiries, please contact the project maintainer at [email protected].

Thank you for using MLHFormLynx to enhance your MLH Fellowship form submission process. We hope this backend solution helps streamline your application management while ensuring data security and flexibility.