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Archmonger committed Jul 1, 2024
1 parent 8fa91ec commit 81bb5ff
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Showing 17 changed files with 379 additions and 1 deletion.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions docs/mkdocs.yml
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- Home:
- Install:
- Docker: install/
- Windows NSSM: install/
- Configuration:
- Environment Variables: configure/
- Built-in Webserver: configure/
- Custom CSS/JS: configure/
- Organizr Authentication: configure/
- MySQL Database: configure/
- Development:
- Running Conreq Manually: develop/
- Building the Docker: develop/
- Creating Custom Apps: develop/
- Contribute:
- Updating the Docs: contrib/
- Create an App Store listing: contrib/

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site_name: Conreq Documentation
site_author: Archmonger
site_description: Conreq Web Platform
repo_name: Archmonger/Conreq
edit_uri: edit/main/docs/src/
docs_dir: src
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/configure/
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Environment variables can be used to customize core Conreq features at boot.

## Environment Variables File

Editing Conreq's `settings.env` file is the recommended way of adding environment variables.

Here are some common locations of this file.

| Operating System | Location |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| Manually Run (Windows/Linux/MacOS) | `<CONREQ_DIR>/data/settings.env` |
| Unraid Community Apps | `<APP_DATA_DIR>/conreq/settings.env` |
| Docker | `/config/settings.env` |

## System Variables

Variables can alternatively be set through the system's environment variables.

| Operating System | Location |
| --- | --- |
| Manually Run (Windows/Linux/MacOS) | [Varies depending on operating system.]( |
| Unraid Docker | Through a docker's `Edit` menu, click `Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label, or Device`, and then under `Config Type` select `Variable`. |
| Docker | Add as a `-e` parameter via command line, or [using the environment field in your compose file.]( |

_Note: System environment variables take priority over those stored in `settings.env`._

## Available Variables

# General Settings
TZ = America/Los_Angeles # default: UTC (Timezone for log files, in "TZ Database" format)
BASE_URL = requests # default: None
APP_NAME = RequestCentral # default: Conreq
APP_DESCRIPTION = Get yo stuff! # default: Content Requesting
ARR_REFRESH_INTERNAL = */15 # default: */1 (Cron minutes for Sonarr/Radarr library refresh)

# Data Storage
DATA_DIR = /example/directory # default: /config (Defaults to "data" outside of docker)
MYSQL_CONFIG_FILE = /config/mysql.cnf # default: None

# Security
SSL_SECURITY = True # default: False (True enables advanced SSL security features)
PWNED_VALIDATOR = False # default: True (False disables checking for compromised passwords)
ALLOWED_HOST = # default: * (Allows all hosts)
DEBUG = False # default: False (Disable security features, only enable this during development. Defaults to True outside of docker.)

# Email
EMAIL_USE_TLS = False # default: True
EMAIL_PORT = 587 # default: None
EMAIL_HOST = # default: None
EMAIL_HOST_USER = [email protected] # default: None
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = dogmemes123 # default: None
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/configure/
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1. Install and run MySQL using your preferred method.

2. Create a file within your Conreq data directory create a MySQL configuration file (`mysql.cnf`). At minimum you must include the following...

database = conreq
user = db_username
password = db_password
host =
default-character-set = utf8

_Take a look at [MySQL's docs]( for all available parameters._

3. Set your `DB_ENGINE ` variable to `MYSQL` and your `MYSQL_CONFIG_FILE` variable to the path to your `mysql.cnf` file.

_If using Unraid/Docker, add this as a Docker variable. Otherwise, search "How to set environment variables in ... Windows 10"_
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/configure/
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1. Go to `Server Settings` within Conreq and enable `Organizr User Authentication`

2. Set up a `nginx` reverse proxy.

_If you need help with this, join the [`organizr` Discord]( and post in #groups._

3. In your Conreq block within `nginx`, add the following...

# Sets Conreq to be accessible by all Organizr users. Google "Organizr ServerAuth" for more details.
auth_request /auth-4;
# Allows Conreq to log in as an Organizr user
auth_request_set $auth_user $upstream_http_x_organizr_user;
proxy_set_header X-WEBAUTH-USER $auth_user;
# Allows Conreq to know the email address of an Organizr user (optional)
auth_request_set $auth_email $upstream_http_x_organizr_email;
proxy_set_header X-WEBAUTH-EMAIL $auth_email;
# Allows Conreq to automatically configure Organizr Admins and Co-Admins as Conreq staff members (optional)
auth_request_set $auth_group $upstream_http_x_organizr_group;
proxy_set_header X-WEBAUTH-GROUP $auth_group;
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/configure/
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Conreq can store and serve any custom files located within your data directory's "static" folder.

In order to use this to serve custom CSS or JavaScript...

1. Put a CSS/JS file into `DATA_DIR/static/`
2. Restart Conreq
3. Set your Conreq "Custom CSS/JS" to link to the new content, such as `/static/my_style.css`
4. Done!
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/configure/
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
We use [`hypercorn`]( as Conreq's production-grade webserver. This webserver can be directly exposed to the internet. For more information beyond what is in this guide, check out the [`hypercorn` documentation](


The Conreq webserver can be modified through a `hypercorn.toml` file.

1. Create a `hypercorn.toml` file within your Conreq data directory (such as `./conreq/data/hypercorn.toml`)

2. Populate this `toml` file with any property in the [`hypercorn`'s documentation]( For example...

bind = ""
h11_max_incomplete_size = 4
keep_alive_timeout = 20
use_reloader = true
workers = 20
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/contrib/
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Work in Progress, Conreq app framework has not been finalized.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/contrib/
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
We use [MkDocs]( to create our documentation. For more information beyond what is in this guide, check out the [MkDocs Documentation](


## Setting Up the Environment

1. Install `Python 3.x`
2. Open a terminal at the root of the repository.
3. Type `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install MkDocs.


## Starting the Preview Webserver

MkDocs contains a tool to allow you to preview your documentation changes live! In order to use it...

1. Open a terminal at the root of the repository.
2. Type `cd docs` to enter the documentation's source code directory.
3. Type `mkdocs serve` to start the preview webserver.
4. Navigate to [``]( to see the documentation and changes live!


## Adding/Editing a Docs Page

1. Create a new markdown file within `source/docs/`, or edit an existing markdown file within this folder.
2. Fill in this file with any markdown text you want!
3. _If you made a new file:_ Add this file to the navigation bar within `mkdocs.yml`.
4. Commit your changes to your GitHub branch.
5. Submit a GitHub pull request to `Archmonger/Conreq:docs`.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/develop/
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
## Software Required

- Install [Docker Desktop](

## Building the Docker Image

1. Pull the repository from GitHub.
2. Open a terminal at the root of the repository.
3. Type `docker build . --no-cache -t conreq` to build the Docker image.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/develop/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Work in Progress, Conreq app framework has not been finalized.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/develop/
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
There are two environments Conreq can exist in: [Development](#creating-a-development-environment) and [Production](#creating-a-production-environment).

If you intend to edit Conreq's code, then proceed with the Development instructions.


## Software Required

- Install [Python 3.11+](
- Make sure to select "Add Python 3.x to PATH" during installation.
- Easiest if this is the only version of python on your computer
- _If using Windows_: Install [Visual Studio C++]( (Within this installer, navigate to _C++ Build Tools_. Select _MSVC_ and _Windows 10 SDK_)
- _Optional_: Install [Visual Studio Code]( (Any editor would work)

## Creating a Development Environment

1. Pull the repository from GitHub.
2. Open a terminal as administrator at the root of the repository.
3. _If using Windows_
- Type `set-executionpolicy remotesigned` and select Yes to All to allow external Python scripts to run on your computer.
4. Type `python -m venv .venv` to create a Python virtual environment called `.venv`.
5. Type `./.venv/Scripts/activate` to enter the virtual environment.
6. Type `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install all Python dependencies within the virtual environment.
7. Type `python run_conreq` to run the webserver.


## Creating a Production Environment

Follow all instructions laid out within [Creating a Development Environment](#creating-a-development-environment), but before running `python run_conreq` do the following:

1. Set your environment variable of `DEBUG` to `false`. The method of doing this will [vary based on operating system](
- Doing this enables _a lot_ of **security features**.
2. The webserver is configured with good defaults for most cases. But if you want to configure the webserver see our [webserver documentation](../configure/ for more information.
3. Type `python run_conreq` to run the webserver.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/dictionary.txt
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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[![Docker Hub](]( [![GitHub Container Registry](]( [![Discord](]( "Chat with the community and get realtime support!")

## Welcome to the Conreq Documentation

Conreq is an extensible self-hosted web platform built around [Django]( Read through the docs to learn how to set up Conreq, or how to contribute to the Conreq repository!

Want to join the community or have a question? Chat with us on [Discord]( or create a post on [GitHub Discussions](!


## Communities

[:fontawesome-brands-discord: Discord]({ .md-button .md-button--primary } [:fontawesome-brands-reddit: Reddit]({ .md-button .md-button--primary } [:fontawesome-brands-github: GitHub Discussions]({ .md-button .md-button--primary }
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/install/
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
These instructions configure Conreq to run within a Docker.

Our dockers are published to both [DockerHub]( and [GitHub Container Registry](


## Docker Compose

1. Create a `docker-compose.yml` file is located where you want Conreq to run.

=== "`docker-compose.yml`"

image: # Other tags include `develop` and version numbers (e.g. `0.21.1`)
container_name: conreq
- PUID=99 # Optional
- PGID=100 # Optional
- TZ=America/Los_Angeles # If not set, defaults to UTC
# Any other Conreq environment variables can also be set here
- ./config:/config # You can replace ./config with the location you want to store Conreq's data.
- 7575:7575

2. Run `docker-compose up -d` to start Conreq. The `-d` flag runs the container in the background.

## Docker Run

1. Run the following command to start Conreq.

docker run -d --name=conreq -e PUID=99 -e PGID=100 -e TZ=America/Los_Angeles -v ./config:/config -p 7575:7575

_Note: You can replace `./config` with the location you want to store Conreq's data._
_Note 2: The `-d` flag runs the container in the background._
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/install/
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These instructions configure Non-Sucking Service Manager (NSSM) to automatically start Conreq as a Windows service.

A traditional Windows installer is not yet available.


## Software Required

- Install [Python 3.11+](
- Make sure to select "Add Python 3.x to PATH" during installation.
- Easiest if this is the only version of python on your computer
- Steps below will not work with NSSM if using the "Windows App Store" version of Python.
- Install [Visual Studio C++]( (Within this installer, navigate to _C++ Build Tools_. Select _MSVC_ and _Windows 10 SDK_)
- Download [NSSM](

## Installation

1. Create the folder `C:\Program Files\Conreq`
2. Use this folder to follow steps [setting up a Conreq environment](../develop/, excluding steps involving `python run_conreq`.
3. Unzip NSSM in a separate directory where you can permanently keep it (such as `C:\Program Files\NSSM`).
4. Open a terminal within your NSSM directory **as administrator**.
5. Open NSSM by typing `.\win64\nssm.exe install Conreq`
6. Under the Application tab, browse to the path of your **Conreq `venv`**.
- For example: `C:\Program Files\Conreq\.venv\Scripts\python.exe`
7. Under the Application tab, browse to the path of your **Conreq repository**.
- For example: `C:\Program Files\Conreq\`
8. Under the Application tab, set "Arguments" to ` run_conreq`
9. Click "Install Service".
10. In your terminal, type `.\win64\nssm.exe start Conreq`.
- You can check to make sure its running as a service by running `nssm status Conreq`
11. Open any internet browser and navigate to [``](
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion requirements.txt
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-r requirements/main.txt
-r requirements/dev.txt
-r requirements/dev.txt
-r requirements/docs.txt
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions requirements/docs.txt
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