Dart does not have native support for Enums and this library tries to fill this void. Largely inspired by Java's enum features, this library provides an extendable Enum class that provides all enum instances with an ordinal and a name. Also a valueOf
constructor and values()
iterable are provided.
Example use:
class MyEnum extends Enum {
// the enum values
static const MyEnum nr1 = const MyEnum._(5);
static const MyEnum nr2 = const MyEnum._(10);
static const MyEnum nr3 = const MyEnum._(15);
// these two lines are required to add support for values and valueOf
static MyEnum valueOf(String name) => Enum.valueOf(MyEnum, name);
static List<MyEnum> get values => Enum.values(MyEnum);
// your own implementation
final int myValue;
const MyEnum._(this.myValue);
void main() {
print(MyEnum.nr1.index); // prints 0
print(MyEnum.nr1.toString()); // prints nr1
print(MyEnum.valueOf("nr1").index); // prints 0
print(MyEnum.values[1].toString()) // prints nr2
print(MyEnum.values.last.index) // prints 2
print(MyEnum.values.last.myValue); // prints 15