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This will break existing implementations
effort: high
effort: high
This will require a lot of work relative to other issues
effort: low
effort: low
This will require less work relative to other issues
effort: medium
effort: medium
This will require a normal amount of work relative to other issues
good first issue
good first issue
Recommended for new contributors
help wanted
help wanted
Help would be appreciated to resolve this
platform: all
platform: all
Affects all platforms
platform: bukkit
platform: bukkit
Affects the Bukkit platform
platform: bungee
platform: bungee
Affects the BungeeCord platform
platform: minestom
platform: minestom
Affects the Minestom platform
platform: other
platform: other
Affects a particular platform implementation, such as PaperMC
platform: sponge
platform: sponge
Affects the Sponge platform
platform: velocity
platform: velocity
Affects the Velocity platform
priority: critical
priority: critical
This must be solved as soon as possible
priority: high
priority: high
This should be resolved soon
priority: low
priority: low
This will be explored in the future
priority: medium
priority: medium
This should be resolved in the near future
state: approved
state: approved
This issue will be resolved
state: denied
state: denied
This issue will not be resolved
state: duplicate
state: duplicate
Duplicate topic/goal of another issue or pull request
state: in progress
state: in progress
Work is currently in progress to resolve this
state: in review
state: in review
Maintainers are currently reviewing this
state: invalid
state: invalid
This issue or pull request does not meet our requirements
state: on hold
state: on hold
We have temporarily suspended work on this
type: bug
type: bug
Reports or resolves a bug
type: design
type: design
Requests a new or improved graphical design
type: docs
type: docs
Requests or improves documentation
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
A general enhancement to the project - not to do with features
type: feature
type: feature
Requests a new or improved feature
type: testing
type: testing
We need to check if something is working correctly