Just leave the app (by tapping Back or Home, or by going to another app), and see how it reacts. Make sure the media volume is turned up.
Don't worry, the app is free of ads, does not require Internet access, and no permissions whatsoever.
Autophobia, also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia of isolation, the fear of abandonment, of being alone or lonely.
"Hello World" programs and apps are pretty famous, even if all they usually do is write "Hello, World!" on the screen. When learning a new programming language or platform (Kotlin on Android in this case), starting with such a simple app has become a tradition.
Download APK from Github Releases
Hello World App with Autophobia is written in Kotlin using Android Studio.
Contributions are welcome! For feature requests and bug reports please submit an issue.
Hello World App with Autophobia (and all Appliberated free apps) are supported by East-Tec, the home of east-tec Eraser, the privacy tool that quickly and securely covers your online and PC tracks.
Hello World App with Autophobia is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.