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ChangeLog - An Android Library to display a Change Log

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An Android Library to display a Change Log without take care about VersionCode

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This library provides an easy way to display a change log in your app. Without take care to VersionCode is necessary when you auto generate the VersionCode

Usage manuel XML

  1. Create the master change log in res/xml/changelog_master.xml. Formatted like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <release version="1.1" versioncode="11" >
        <change>Totally new and shiny version</change>
    <release version="1.0" versioncode="10" >
        <change>Fixed: A bug fix</change>
        <change>Some other changes I can't quite remember</change>
    <release version="0.1" versioncode="1">
        <change>First release</change>
  1. Create translations of this changelog_master.xml file in files named changelog.xml under language-specific versions of res/xml/, e.g. res/xml-de/changelog.xml.

Usage git changelog

To generate a git changelog, grouped by tag you can run

./ > sample/src/main/res/raw/gitlog.json

This will show it similar to the XML

Common usage

  1. Display the change log dialog by putting the following code in your activity's onCreate() method:
ChangeLog changelog = new ChangeLog(this);
if (changelog.isFirstRun()) {

Include the library

The easiest way to add ckChangeLog to your project is via Gradle. Just add the following lines to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.AppDevNext:ChangeLog:$latestVersion'

To tell Gradle where to find the library, make sure build.gradle also contains this:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Customize labels

In order to change the labels of the dialog add the following items to your strings.xml:

  <string name="changelog_full_title">Change Log</string>
  <string name="changelog_title">What\'s New</string>
  <string name="changelog_ok_button">OK</string>
  <string name="changelog_show_full">More…</string>


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