Brouno Kokthi
Evangelos Pipilikas
Myrto Chatzivoukoudi
This is the project for the cource Wireless Network and Mobile Communication at AUEB for the year 2021-2022. The main concept of this project is to find the best channel according to the load of every channel.
- Airmon-ng
- Iwconfig
- Airodump-ng
- Scapy python3
- Crontab
>!< Please make sure you run the script in Kali Linux environment and your wifi adapter supports MONITOR MODE. >!<
- Open the command line and set the directory to the one that contains the project
- Use the airmon-ng tool to change the wifi interface from Managed mode to Monitor mode. This can be accomplished by running the command
airmon-ng start wlan0
- Add the rules in the crontab file according to the time you want the script to be triggered. For example the rule
0 20 * * * cd /project && ./
triggers the script at 20:00. - Alternate option: instead of adding rules in crontab file, you can change the directory and run the command
Step 1: Capture all the beacon frames from access points and save them in a .csv file. (File:
Step 2: Capture all the data frames from every network that we have already captured in Step 1. Save this information in a .csv file. (File:
Step 3: Process all the imformation given from step 1 and 2. (File:
Step 4: Create an algorithm consisting of two parts: channel evaluator and neighbor channel evaluator. (File:
Step 5: Keep history log for every channel. (File:
Keep in mind that we have the following information for each channel:
- Percentage of packets comparing to the other channels (packets)
- Percentage of networks comparing to the other channels (networks)
- Percentage of stations comparing to the other channels (stations)
The formula we use to evaluate every channel is:
channelevaluator = 0.45 * packets + 0.35 * networks + 0.20 * stations
Having every channel's evaluation, next step is check if there is any interference from the neighboring channels.
The information we need here for each channel is:
- Channel evaluation (channeli)
- Previous channel evaluation (channeli-1)
- Next channel evaluation (channeli+1)
The formula we use to evaluate every channel is:
channelneighevaluator = 0.7 ∗ channeli + 0.3 ∗ (0.5 ∗ channeli−1 + 0.5 ∗ channeli+1)
Automatization takes place three times per day, each of which we keep a history log.
Time | History log file name |
12:00 | morning_measurements.txt |
16:00 | noon_measurements.txt |
20:00 | night_measurements.txt |
Every time that arrives the time to take the measurements:
- Take the new data from the scanning (evaluationsnew)
- Load the old data from the corresponding history log file (evaluationsold)
- Write the new history log back to the corresponding history log file following the formula below:
historyevaluations = 0.8 * evaluationsnew + 0.2 * evaluationsold
For a quick demonstration of the script and algorithm, check the demonstration_ENG.pdf file.