ATM State Machine Demonstrator
Rick Berger, Aphorica, Inc [email protected]
# install dependencies
npm/yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
'npm run'/yarn serve (yarn serve)
# create fsm visualizations
'npm run'/yarn build_vis (yarn build_vis)
# build for production with minification
'npm run'/yarn build (yarn build)
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
'npm run'/yarn build --report (yarn build --report)
This will build to a subdirectory '/atmplus'. To view the build, you need to run a webserver, for instance 'npm serve', and serve from the project root ('serve .'). Then, in the browser, you would enter 'localhost:5000/atmplus'
I've upgraded this to Vue3, however the mkvis file that constructs the .dot images is broken due to babel issues.
I think the easiest fix will be to remove the docs from this repo and make a separate repo just for the docs.
Meanwhile, the docs on the site are valid.
Also: I've reinstated the live demo. If anyone was looking for it, it's back online, now.
Full documentation is here:
Live demo at