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Fake News Detection


Fake news can cause considerable misunderstandings in society, and the consequences can be catastrophic. It is imperative to differentiate which news is true and which is not. This project leverages the help of machine learning algorithms to perform the classification/prediction of news as true and false. We will depict how good cleaning techniques of data can impact the performance of the fake news classifier in this project. We use text-preprocessing techniques like removing stop-words, lemmatization, tokenization, and vectorization before we feed the data to models. We have fed data to various models and compared and contrasted their performance. These data cleaning techniques fall under Natural Language Processing.

Natural Language Processing, usually shortened as NLP, is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of the human languages in a manner that is valuable.


The dataset is a collection of about 20800 news articles. This dataset has been compiled and created by the University of Tennessee’s Machine Learning Club, USA. This dataset is freely available here : . The dataset consists of the following attributes:

  • id: unique id for a news article
  • title: the title of a news article
  • author: author of the news article
  • text: the text of the article; could be incomplete
  • label: a label that marks the article as potentially unreliable
    • 1: False News or Unreliable
    • 0: True News or reliable


We have applied models with 2 approaches to data cleaning:

Approach 1: In the first approach, we have selected only one feature i.e. the attribute-news text and have directly applied the Feature Extraction tools like TF-IDF vectorization after eliminating rows with null values from the text.

Approach 2: In the second approach, we have followed the steps of

  • Combining all attributes including “author”, “text” and “title” into one column.
  • Replacing null values with spaces(missing data imputation).
  • Removing stop-words and special characters.
  • Lemmatization, and finally converting.
  • Count Vectorization and TF-IDF Transformation.

The difference of results from these approaches shall be indicating how important good NLP techniques are and how cleaning techniques like lemmatization and removal of stop words can impact the performance of models.

Models applied

  1. Passive Aggressive Classifier
  2. Multi Layer Perceptron
  3. Logistic Regression
  4. Multinomial Naïve Bayes
  5. Decision Tree
  6. Gradient Boosting Classifier
  7. Random Forest Classifier
  8. K-Nearest Neighbours
  9. Support Vector Machine-Linear Kernel
  10. Ada Boost
  11. XG Boost

All these models were applied and compared to decide upon the more suitable Machine Learning algorithms to apply for Fake news detection and also find the models that may not be very well suited for fake news detection.


Please view the Project Report to find all results and comparative graphs between all models and across the 2 approaches using which we draw concrete conclusions. You may also view a compact presentation of this project in the Presentation Slides.


Classifying news manually requires in-depth knowledge of the domain and expertise to identify anomalies in the text. We have classified fake news articles using 11 machine learning models. This Fake News Detection aims to identify patterns in text that differentiate fake articles from true news. We extracted different textual features from the articles using Natural Language Processing for text preprocessing and also, Feature Extraction tools like 'CountVectorizer' and 'TF-IDF Transformer' and used the feature set as an input to the models. The learning models were trained. Some models have achieved comparatively higher accuracy than others. We used multiple performance metrics to compare the results for each algorithm. A Fake News Classifier should essentially ensure at least the following measure:

  1. High accuracy
  2. The number of False Negatives must be minimum. The value of False Negative indicates how many actually Fake News has been classified/predicted as Real news by the Machine Learning model. Clearly, this situation is not desirable because the results of fake news classified as true news may be catastrophic.

We have made some concrete conclusions at the end of our experiments:

  • 10 out of 11 models showed better accuracy, recall, precision and f1- score in the second approach. 9 out of 11 models showed lower number of false negatives in the second approach. This implies that processes like removal of stop words, lemmatization and inclusion of all attributes do significantly impact performance of a machine learning model of a fake news classifier.

  • We conclude that Passive Aggressive Classifier, Logistic Regression, Gradient Boosting Classifier, and SVM models show the best performance with respect to accuracy (98%,98%,97%,98%), recall (98%,98%,97%,98%), precision (98%,98%,97%,98%), f1-score (98%,98%,97%,98%) and false negative values. They exhibit relatively higher values of accuracy with relatively lower values of false negatives (49,44,56,43). Hence, these models are better choices for the sake of fake news classification.

  • KNN scores an accuracy of 66% along with 47 false negatives as per the first approach. Despite increase in its accuracy in the second approach to 86%, it has very high number of false negative values which is clearly very undesirable. Hence KNN is not an apt model for fake news classification.

  • Multinomial Naive Bayes, with relatively lower accuracies of 84% and 83% in the first and second approach respectively, have significantly high false negative values of 805 and 853. Hence Multinomial Naive Bayes is not an apt model for fake news classification.

Running Instructions

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Download train.csv and test.csv from kaggle (
  3. Create a folder called "fake-news" in the same directory as the ipynb files.
  4. Include train.csv and test.csv in the fake-news folder.
  5. Run the ipynb files using jupyter notebook.

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