Teo.JS streamer extension. You can use this extension for streaming of videos, music files etc.
Here is an object of default settings:
// download file instead of streaming it
forceDownload: false,
// max age for Cache-Control header
maxAge: 3600,
// Allow CORS flag
cors: false,
// (limit) server bandwidth (bytes/second). See https://www.npmjs.com/package/throttle
throttle: false
- Install extension
- Add the following object to your Teo.JS app configuration file:
extensions: [
// e.g.
name: "streamer", // name in registry of extensions
module: "teo-streamer-extension" // npm module
config: { // extension's configuration. Will be passed to the extension, as a second argument
// download file instead of streaming it
forceDownload: false,
// max age for Cache-Control header
maxAge: 3600,
// Allow CORS flag
cors: false,
// (limit) server bandwidth (bytes/second). See https://www.npmjs.com/package/throttle
throttle: false