Teo.JS body parser middleware based on Express.js body-parser module.
This module provides support for all of the wrapped API:
module.exports = {
protocol: "http",
host: "localhost",
port: 3100,
cluster: {
enabled: true
extensions: [
name: "body-parser",
module: "teo-body-parser",
config: {
// enables all parsers with the default options
json: true,
urlencoded: true,
raw: true,
text: true
When passing json: true
- no options will be passed, and the parser will be enabled with the default options as bodyParser.json()
Alternatively, if you want to pass the additional configuration options for some specific parser, just replace true
with your configuration object. E.g.
extensions: [
name: "body-parser",
module: "teo-body-parser",
config: {
json: true,
// will apply bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})
urlencoded: { extended: true },
raw: true,
text: true