Create an instance of the image
class passing the path of a image as an argument.
Instance arguments:
- width
(of astext
- height
(of astext
- aspect_ratio
- astext
(string that gets printed to the console)
- name
(the name of the image file)
- display()
(pass a file to write to, otherwise sys.stdout)
from os import get_terminal_size, listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from time import sleep
from image import image # is made all by me
def clear():
from os import system
from sys import platform
system("cls" if platform == "win32" else "clear") # clears the console
images = {}
while True:
for imagename in [f for f in listdir("images/") if isfile(join("images/", f))]: # open the 'images/' directory and get all the file names inside.
clear() # clear console
images[imagename] = image("images/" + imagename, get_terminal_size()[1] - 4) # create instance of image class
print(images[imagename].name) # print the name of the image in that instance
images[imagename].display() # print the image
print(images[imagename].width, images[imagename].height, sep=" x ", end=" (" + str(images[imagename].aspect_ratio) + ")\n") # print the width, height and aspect ratio
sleep(2) # wait 2 seconds